Jed, I already sent him these links as a place to start.

* Arata replication by Kitamura et al. and Kidwell et al.

* PHYSICS LETTERS A . doi:10.1016/j.physleta.2009.09.026
Piezonuclear neutrons from fracturing of inert solids
A slide show presentation:

My impression is he has been tasked with preparing a survey of the field
so he is looking for help gathering the best experimental research.


On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 4:20 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:
> Harry Veeder <> wrote:
>> I was recently informed by a canadian physicist that he has been asked
>> to gather  "new FACTUAL information ... on Low Energy Nuclear
>> Reactions" and he welcomed information from me that I believed to be
>> factual.
> Tell him I have uploaded several thousand pages of FACTUAL information here:
> Plus some highly imaginative stuff in the theory section and some
> experiments I do not find credible. The problem is, you can't tell which is
> which. There is no magic touchstone for truth.
> On behalf of the researchers and myself, I kind of resent it when people say
> they are looking for FACTUAL information and they cannot find it. I would
> ask: Have you tried looking in a university library? Have you tried Google?
> CERN or the ENEA? Where would you expect to find FACTUAL information?
> This is the 21st century. The biggest difference between now and the 20th
> century is the ease with which we can find information.
> And misinformation. If your friend is looking for misinformation on cold
> fusion, try the Scientific American or Wikipedia. They do resemble a magic
> touchstone. Take whatever they say, and assume the opposite is true.

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