Jarold McWilliams <oldja...@hotmail.com> wrote:

Are you saying that oil companies would rather try to hide cold fusion than
> adapt to it?

Yes, I am certain they would. They are trying to hide global warming with
the help of the Republican party, with considerable success.

>  Did they pay off MIT and other mainstream scientists to cover up cold
> fusion?

Not as far as I know. The MIT people are in the plasma fusion program. They
attacked cold fusion to preserve their own funding. That's what they said,
and I believe them.

I doubt U.S. the oil companies have played any role in the opposition to
cold fusion. As far as I know, no one in any major oil company believes
that cold fusion might be real, so they have no incentive to oppose it.

in Japan, the fossil fuel energy cartels and the nuclear power industry did
get together to prevent funding for cold fusion, a few years ago. (Before
the Fukishima disaster.) The Minister of Energy told some cold fusion
researchers I know that the government will not support this research
because it would disrupt the energy market.

I have no doubt that when the oil companies, coal companies, wind turbine
manufacturers and other conventional energy companies realize that cold
fusion is real, they will pull out the stops and do everything they can to
prevent it from being developed. They will spend millions on Washington
lobbyists trying to crush the research. Some human behavior is mysterious.
Other behavior can be predicted with confidence. This behavior is as
certain as the fact that if you open a window in a tall building and drop a
few thousand dollars in loose bills onto Wall Street, people passing by
will take the money.

The coal industry is presently at war with wind power, trying to make it
illegal in the U.S., because it has taken 4% of their business, and it
threatens to take half. Wind power and big coal would gladly strangle one
another by any means. Their favorite method is to have Congress do it by
passing laws. They will not hesitate to cooperate with one another to
strangle cold fusion. This is business. It is about money. Money is more
important to most people than the survival of the planet, or the survival
of their own children and grandchildren.

Fortunately, cold fusion will be worth trillions of dollars to powerful
industrial corporations and investors. So even though Exxon and others will
do all they can to prevent it, others will probably see to it that the
research is funded, and that the government allows the technology to be
deployed in the U.S. The US military is in favor of cold fusion and it has
a great deal of political and economic power. Most cold fusion research in
the US for the last 20 years has been funded by the military. During this
time, plasma fusion researchers and some mainstream physicists have
repeatedly taken steps to prevent this funding and fire the military
decision-makers who allowed the research. Sometimes they have succeeded.
They have done this in various incidents several times a year. They are
still at it. I gather they are getting somewhat frantic -- pulling  wires
and cashing in chits to stop the research and destroy the reputations of
anyone associated with it. That is how these people operate. That is why
they have so much power and money in the first place. Not because they are
nice people.

Fortunately, military officers put national security ahead of academic
politics and greed.

The major establishment opponents probably do not believe cold fusion is
real. But even if they thought it was, I doubt this would affect their
behavior. I suppose they resemble the 1970s tobacco executives, who all
knew that cigarettes kill hundreds of thousands of people. They did not
give a damn how many people they killed. They lied brazenly to Congress and
to the public, saying they did not think cigarettes are dangerous. When you
offer a high salary and no legal restraints, you can always find hoards of
intelligent, skilled, educated people eager to commit mass murder or
destroy the planet. Executives will set up concentration camps or torture
people as long as there is a large profit and no police to stop them. We
know they will, *because they did*, in WWII Germany and the Iraq war.

- Jed

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