I know that before I ask any technical questions, I should first have a 
somewhat good working knowledge of the subject matter (no ifs, ands, or 
buts),,, however, its not too difficult to understand that centrifugal-force is 
generated when an object is moving in a curved path acting outward from a 
center of rotation, and centripetal force is what is needed to keep an object 
revolving about a point moving in a circular path (simpull)                     
So, the theory behind the System I propose, will be to generate & utilize a 
significant amount of C-force on a continuous basis, thus enabling an 
altogether powerfully new efficient viable form of propulsion. > So, can anyone 
present a legitimate arguement  why electromagnetic attraction-force could 
not enable a specifically engineered SRC with an imbalance of 1-lb or so, to 
be compensated, so as to enable it to spin as if it  were perfectly balanced? 
                                                             Putting it 
simply, is it not within reason to think that " if " an average sized 
tire/wheel (on an average automobile) was imbalanced with 1-lb on one side of 
that upon you going for a joy-ride and reaching 100-Mph's (about 25-revs per 
sec), the wheel would tend to shake quite severely, likely resulting in a 
blow-out, sending you in the ditch?                                             
                                        So, in considering this, wouldn't 
it be safe to assume that if you engineered a wheel with an imbalance of 
1-lb, but compensated it with electromagnetic attractive-force, so as to enable 
it to spin at very high rate of 60,000 Rpm's, thereby generating many 
thousands of -lbs of C-force? > So, the question what would prevent the 
of a System that can do what I propose?                                       
                    I don't see any reason why a System couldnt be 
engineered to generate & maintain a TPF (total pulling force) significantly 
than the OVW (overall vehicle weight). > The only thing (so far) from stopping 
this System from being made is that no-one has heard about this potentially 
altogether powerful new form of energy/propulsion, and IF it was vigorously 
R&D, it wouldn't be too long at all before it's fully discovered to have  
the potential to perform any maneuver, and/or reach extreme speeds.            
                By regulating energy via an RTO (rapid timing order) in 
System's SHOE, of which, is powering a specifically engineered powerfully 
efficient vehicle/craft, you'd essentially now be able to *pro-ject* a powerful 
electromagnetic attractive force, whereby, upon  a precise RTO, you thereby 
attempt to catch up to it, thus increasing the speed of the vehicle till....  
   At some point, you're traveling in the extreme,,, and, I'd be willing to 
bet if you were traveling aboard a vehicle/craft that uses these Systems, 
that this good 'old Earth would pass-by eerily similar to when a Billboard 
goes by, when you're driving in your auto down the Freeway.                    
                                          Now, if you wanted to stop in and 
make your presence known to a few inhabitants on  good 'old Earth, all you 
have to do is plot-out your RTO well in advance, say maybe back at Saturn or 
Jupiter, or, depending on just how efficient you and your vehicle is, maybe 
Mars (but I doubt it)?                                                      
           So anyway, I look forward to any constructive advice as to why 
"if " an earnest effort was committed to the R&D of a small-scale prototype 
of this System, that we (that's right, good 'old down-to-earth archaic 
outdated ancient prehistoric biologically extinct human beings.... there, I 
it... alright?) wouldn't have the *Real* thing in as little as a 100 yrs or 
so... better make it 200 (just to be sure).                                   
      Now, I wouldn't be too concerned, right now,  about eliminating all 
of this biologically  dependent human stuff, because there'll be plenty of 
time to build a newly improved intelligent-process that doesn't require air, 
nutrients, liquids, or flesh, blood, organs,  cellular-reproduction, wear, 
tear, pain, destruction, aging, 'all'  of which end up back in nonexistence 
(you know, death).... what an absolute total complete waste of time and energy 
(and space, I might add).                                                   
      On a lighter note, I suppose it gives one peace-of-mind to know that 
'someone' has  made it into Eternity, via the ultimate technology... it 
simply makes it all worth while. > I can't even begin to imagine a universe 
without worlds where animals and humans can exist,,, not to mention IFO's 
traveling about, tending to those worlds... it wouldn't make any sense! </HTML>

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