There is a discussion that is underway in the field of superconductivity
regarding the mechanism of cooper pair formation. The split of electron
quantum properties has been hypothesized for some time now as its ultimate

How can to particles with the same charge pair up and stay together for a
long period of time. I might add that I believe such cooper pairing also
happens in regards to protons. In these situations the coulomb is not a

As referenced in the article under discussion in this thread, what this
research shows is that the split-up of electron quantum properties has now
been verified and real as substantiated by experiment.

There are various mechanisms involved with the formation of condensates of
these quantum properties that cause cooper pairing. The amount the
competing theories terms discussed are “slave boson formalism” or “slave
Fermion formalisms”.

Recently, in regard to the theory of the cuprite superconductors Patrick
Lee suggests that the genuinely new idea that has been developed is:

"the notion of emergence of gauge fields and fractionalized particles as
low-energy phenomena in systems that did not contain them in the starting

He suggests that this idea is of comparable importance in condensed matter
theory to that of Goldstone bosons.

Gauge fields emerge when the electron or spin operators are represented in
an alternative manner such as in terms of Schwinger bosons, slave fermions,
slave bosons, or slave rotors. But a key question is for a given model
Hamiltonian, which is the appropriate representation.

For quantum spin models it seems that which side of the Charles River you
work on determines your preference for a particular representation? At
Harvard, Subir Sachdev favours bosonic spinons, while on the opposite of
the river, at MIT Patrick Lee favours fermionic spinons.

It has been apparent for me in recent months that cold fusion and
superconductivity are similar phenomena. I have been boning up on
superconductivity theory to help in my understanding of cold fusion. As a
generalist I am no expert….yet, but I smell some smoke in this wind and am
looking for the fire.

Regards: Axil
On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 8:58 PM, Daniel Rocha <> wrote:

> There is nothing fundamentally new about this. A quasi particle is a state
> that scatters  or propagate just as it were a particle,  but in fact, it
>  is just an interference pattern perturbation of the medium considered. In
> the article, they just made and electron disturb the media by isolating
> independently 2 different states that a given electron had, its spin and
> its angular momentum in relation to an atom. These 2 states disturbed the
> media and the media carried to the  measuring device both of these states,
> without mixing them.
> This kind of disturbance is generally very weak, it will be destroyed way
> before it can cause a fusion  process.

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