This is a mild version of Kurzweilian transhumanist singularitarianism.
En par:

When will war be completely be artificialized?
When will Americans have affordable healthcare?
When is the end of science?
When will cockroaches dominate the earth?

It's all about in 20 years time.

I stick to Doug Adam's version of the future.


 Von: Robert Leguillon <>
An: Vortex Listserve <> 
Gesendet: 16:50 Dienstag, 1.Mai 2012
Betreff: RE: [Vo]:New York Times- Link to : Quantum Fusion - Brillouin

Before long, the New York Times will be but a room of servers. The editors will 
be relegated to choosing computer-generated stories from those "most 
recommended" for their target demographic. At least they'll have fewer typos.

Narrative Science’s CTO and cofounder, Kristian Hammond, works in a small 
office just a few feet away from the buzz of coders and engineers. To Hammond, 
these stories are only the first step toward what will eventually become a news 
universe dominated by computer-generated stories. How dominant? Last year at a 
small conference of journalists and technologists, I asked Hammond to predict 
what percentage of news would be written by computers in 15 years. At first he 
tried to duck the question, but with some prodding he sighed and gave in: “More 
than 90 percent.”

Date: Tue, 1 May 2012 09:02:47 -0400
Subject: [Vo]:New York Times- Link to : Quantum Fusion - Brillouin

Greetings All,

Weekly I look at the on-line New York Times-Science Times section for some 
mention of LENR-CF. is the closest find. A link to a blog called: Quantum Fusion..a 
nice term:
The blog link is 80% down the page on the right side: 

Ron Kita, Chiralex

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