That was a juicy read, Jed.

FWIW, I know someone who's employed at the National Science
Foundation. He's an old Science Fiction fan/friend we've known for
decades. He reviews funding grant proposals for promising new science
projects. It's a position that wields a lot of responsibility and
power. Every day he has to make decisions on which projects are worth
funding and which aren't. I don't envy him, as there is only so much
grant money available to spread around the scientific community.
Again, there is a lot of power in these kinds of positions and the
agency knows it. It's my understanding that after a few years of
reviewing proposals pertaining to a certain subject the agency
shuffles these decision makers around to different departments in an
effort to lessen their strong-hold on a particular subject.

It's been my experience that the higher a scientific reviewer climbs
within the administrative hierarchy of the agency they work for the
more conservative their out-on-the-limb decisions tend to get.

Based on conversations I've had with him over the years, not in a
million trillion gillion years would I EVER expect him to, on his own
reconnaissance, give a single proposal related to a "CF" project the
light of the day.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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