there are two types of 'extraterrestrial' messages:

a) involutary ones, which escape the local communication.  This is an issue for 
the NSA and never for any Alien, even if he was sitting as near as on the moon. 
The SNR of spread spectrum communications simply is too low.
b) deliberate, intentioned 'communication', which has to be narrowly focused  
onto a specific planet in the vicinity of some lightyears.

How naive something akin to that can be, see here:

I have had the honour to know one of the chief scientists of the 
Vojager-mission (R. Hanel), but he probably would have distanced himself from 
this nonsense.
Did not talk with him about that.
Too embarrassing.

Anybody engaged in SETI and such,at least for (a), must be not in his right 
In the case of (b) maybe it is the right tactic to keep Your mouth shut.

A cautionary tale for the LENR-crowd:
Keep a distance from nonsense, which can be refuted by trivial mathematics and 



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