The Celani system is a LENR system as opposed to a LENR+ system. The LENR
system is of limited value compared to a LENR+ system.

The system that Mint Candy is working on is a LENR+ system; a potentially
highly productive and manageable system which is not related to the systems
approaches to Rossi or DGT.

It is difficult to place any given system in its proper genus with
everything being so speculative and so little know about each of them.

Cheers:  Axil

On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 12:42 AM, <> wrote:

> **
> Axil,
> Isn't Celani
> with "(as HYDRIDES?)" discussing e+p+e *anions* attracted toward the Ni
> nucleus under conditions favorable for penetration of the p+e portion
> leaving e outside to satisfy charge balance and resulting in a Ni nucleus
> of instability ala Rossi?
> Warm Regards,
> Reliable
> Axil Axil wrote:
> We all at vortex have ignored the hexane/propane (HP) based reactors.
> IMHO, this reaction type is different in its operation and its reaction
> mechanism than what Rossi and DGT are doing. I am thinking 180 degrees out
> of phase different. I am talking negative polarity as opposed to positive
> polarity. This reactor type is not thermionic by is controlled by varying
> the electrical spark input into the reaction.
> I believe that the HP reaction is a hydrogen/carbon/nickel dry cold fusion
> reaction in dusty plasma. This HP reaction is based on the Rossi reaction
> only in inspiration but at the same time is completely original.
> We see reports of successful HP reactions almost weekly here at vortex and
> yet we are fixated on the Rossi reaction system.
> The HP seems to be more robust, more controllable and more stable than the
> Rossi reaction.
> Having added a catalyst to this HP reaction puts Mint Candy far ahead;
> head and shoulders ahead of the HP pack and fortunately Mint Candy is
> posting here at vortex.
> With Congratulations Gratitude and Respect: Axil
> On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 10:18 AM, Mint Candy <> wrote:
>>  1.  NGK  LZ5AGP
>> 3381 Plugs
>> 2.  Used Fix-A-Thread thread inserts M14-1.26  14.25mm 9/16
>> 3.  Used White thin F/C pipe tape to seal and ease of thread use.
>> 4.  Screwed easily into 1/2" middle of Fe pipe T
>> 5.  Finely turned off, let cool and examined inside. Cotton swab showed
>> black carbon deposits near plug.
>> 6.  Reassembled but attached ignition coil output to plug. Worked as
>> before using AC input or DC with door bell in series to create buzz
>> interuptions.
>> 7.  Will try Chan oil circulation with suspended Ni next
>> M.
>>  ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Axil Axil
>> Sent: 05/09/12 02:10 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Boeing Electric Airliner---LENR Application=???
>>  Mint Candy,
>> Thanks for taking the time to let us know about your success. I
>> appreciate it.
>> The reports of success with Hexane are growing in number and your report
>> is most promising. Did you see any indications of radiation from your
>> reactor?  Is your process easy to control; easy to start up and easy to
>> shut down.
>> Have you noticed any diminution of power production as time goes on? Do
>> you plan to enter the market as a manufacturer?
>> Any additional information about your situation that you feel does not
>> compromise your competitive position in this new marketplace would be of
>> high interest to me.
>> Thanks for your success and its report to us:
>> Axil
>>  On Sun, May 6, 2012 at 9:42 AM, Mint Candy <> wrote:
>>> 1.   Purchased 60 plate heat exchanger at :
>>> 2.   Purchased Ni at :
>>> 3.   Mixed Ni & catalyst powder wth Hexane from J. T. Baker
>>> 4.   Filled one side exchanger with suspension.
>>> 5.   Evacuated two days ending at 250 C.
>>> 6.   Followed
>>> procedure using Medical Lesion RFG to spark plug.
>>> 7.   Perfect control using pulse adjustment on RFG and Propane flow.
>>> 8.   Incredible steam output steady 2 weeks under pressure.
>>> 9.   Operating at 650C.
>>> 10. Must now get patent on catalyst.
>>> M.
>>>  From a Rossi interview,
>>>  *It was also clarified that each individual home E-Cat system will
>>> utilize one reactor core. This is different than what was stated only a
>>> couple months ago, which indicates just how rapidly progress is being made.
>>> If the reactor core is the size of a single pack of cigarettes (about 85
>>> cubic centimeters) and can produce 10 kilowatts of power, this makes the
>>> power density 117 watts per cubic centimeter -- a super high value!*
>>>  Using lightweight Nantenna technology an heat to electric power
>>> conversion of over 50% can be achieved.
>>>  This anthology of anti-gravity and reactionless technology papers
>>> shows the interest that Boeing and the US research labs had it this
>>> electric propulsion technology.
>>> The articles from Nick Cook in Jane’s Defense Weekly are especially
>>> informative.
>>>  *Boeing, the world's largest aircraft manufacturer, has admitted that
>>> it is working on experimental anti-gravity projects that could overturn a
>>> century of conventional aerospace propulsion technology if the science that
>>> underpins them - science that senior Boeing officials describe as "valid" -
>>> can be engineered into hardware. As part of the effort, which is being run
>>> out of Boeing's PhantomWorks advanced research and development facility in
>>> Seattle, the company is trying to solicit the services of a Russian
>>> scientist who claims he has developed 'high-' and 'low-power' anti-gravity
>>> devices In Russia and  Finland. The approach, however, has been thwarted by
>>> Russian officialdom.The Boeing drive to develop a collaborative
>>> relationship with the scientist in question, Dr Evgeny Podkletnov, has its
>>> own internal project name: 'GRASP' -Gravity Research for Advanced Space
>>> Propulsion.A briefing document on GRASP obtained by Jane's  Defense Weekly
>>> sets out what Boeing believes is at stake. "If gravity modification is
>>> real," it says, "it will alter the entire aerospace business." The report
>>> was written by Jamie Childress, principal investigator for Boeing's
>>> propellant less propulsion work at the Phantom Works in Seattle.*
>>> IMHO, some of this weird stuff went into the B2 bomber.
>>>  Regards: Axil
>>> On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 2:45 PM, Alain Sepeda <>wrote:
>>> the power density of Defkalion hyperion, is about 5kW for 10g of powder,
>>> 5kg of reactor, plus pipes,pump and bottle (should be negligible if well
>>> integrated and MW sized)...
>>> 45MW mechanic, imply 150-200MW thermal,
>>> so about 200ton of reactor, plus turbines.
>>> it is not far from the current total weight of that plane...
>>> so there should be work to make the reactor lighter, but you don't
>>> compare a marine diesel engine with a jet engine.
>>> With good engineering, they could make a reactor much below 50tons.
>>> if miniaturization is a  success, 90MW mech. for takeoff could be
>>> possible, or maybe hybrid (electric/lenr, or jet/lenr).
>>> so not impossible, but much work.
>>> 2012/4/22 Eric Walker <>
>>>  On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 1:00 AM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>>>   It can be extremely useful to incorporate 45 megawatts of LENR power
>>> into a stealth aircraft.
>>> This capability will allow the stealth aircraft designer a true UFO like
>>> performance via a hybrid ion jet engine.
>>>  How would you get a 45 MW LENR reactor into a stealth aircraft?  Are
>>> you thinking of something along the lines of Moore's law for LENR cells?  I
>>> wouldn't be surprised if there ended up being something like this.
>>>  Eric

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