A characteristic of HID lights is that they begin to cycle on and off as they 
approach the end of life.  Time to replace those Slider lamps.


-----Original Message-----
From: OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson <orionwo...@charter.net>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Thu, May 17, 2012 8:59 am
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Any SLIders out there? I am one.

>From Beaty,
> If you notice a *single* streelight turn off, it might just be
 Anthropic Principle.  Meaning, that streetlight is slowly turning on
 and off constantly, but you only notice this when you're walking
 underneath, and then wrongly ascribe the cause as being your proximity.
 Human presence causes the bulb to be noticed, because without nearby
 human presence, the bulb isn't noticed.
I had never heard of the term sliders, but based on the description given
ere I used to believe I had slider characteristics. I noticed that certain
treet lamps I passed, especially when I was driving in my car or walking
ast them at night would suddenly blink out. After several repeated
ncounters it seemed very obvious to me that my presence must have been
esponsible. However, what dissuaded me from a personal belief that I was
he cause of the anomaly was the fact that I got curious and began to
bserve the same lamps more closely. After a more careful extended period of
bservations I noticed that the same street lamps which I thought my
resence was somehow influencing were regularly turning off all on their own
egardless of whether I was nearby or not. There was obviously something
rong with the streetlamp. I suspect they were overheating and something
ike an internal circuit breaker had been tripped. After they cooled down
hey would turn back on again. The curious anomaly had nothing to do with
Grant me serenity over the street lamps I am unable to influence. The
ourage to influence the street lamps that I can, and the wisdom to know the
teven Vincent Johnson

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