Most people who used a horse or a horse-drawn carriage back at the turn of 
the 20th Century had a initial negative reaction to the first gas powered 
vehicles, and usually  shouted to it's driver to "Get A Horse!!!.              
      Don't get me wrong, because I like animals,,, but, horsepower perse 
needs revising.   Instead of a very limited amount of mass-fuel to over-power 
the vehicle it's used in, a vastly improved means of utilizing a  virtually 
unlimited energy source to produce a phenomenal speed could be used.        
               All they have to do to get rid of mass-fuel and/or it's 
limited velocity of around 30,000 mph's  (please, no exploding nukes for thrust 
is necessary), would be to start thinking in-terms of utilizing a newly 
developed *source* of energy, like some type of HENR.                           
                       Simply by generating a sustained TPF 
total-pulling-force,,,  which translates into the amount of centrifugal-force 
by electromagnetic attraction-force so as to at least equal the EVW- entire 
vehicle weight,,, you would then have a considerably more reliable capable 
means of enabling you're biologically dependent disabled body to travel 
anywhere you can think of... which unfortunately is limited to innerplanetary 
destinations only.                                                              

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