I think you should develop more you story. It has a decent premise, I think.

2012/5/30 Moab Moab <moab2...@googlemail.com>

> It is well known amongst the races of the universe that once a
> civilization has developed "cold fusion" they lose their protection
> and become fair game for intergalactic warfare.
> The extraterrestrial friends of the Maya explained to them that,
> unless it can be stopped, this is predicted to happen in December
> 2012. Therefore the friendlies have tried to steer humanity away from
> discovering the secret of "cold fusion", instead giving them
> gunpowder, steam, fission and helping them to get "hot fusion" up and
> running. This is proven by the newly discovered Maya calendars that go
> way beyond 2012.
> However many hostile breeds have infiltrated on earth to force the
> discovery of "cold fusion", so that they can then freely usurp the
> earth unbound by intergalactic code of conduct. Apart from earlier
> alchemical attempts the biggest coup happened in 1989 and earth almost
> lost her protection status. Only a tightly orchestrated effort could
> pull the neck out of the noose, friendlies were put on key positions
> to effectively halt advancement in any possible way.
> Based on this theory it is clear that agents of the hostile aliens are
> amongst the proponents of cold fusion. Unfortunately they seem to be
> winning the game and an ever increasing number of innocent earthlings
> take their side in the hope of a bright future.
> For the love of planet earth and all its inhabitants, denounce cold
> fusion. It is not humanity's road to freedom, but our road to
> destruction and annihilation.
> It is obvious that anyone who ridicules or pokes fun at this theory is
> a agent of the hostiles, do not listen to them !
> Moab

Daniel Rocha - RJ

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