Good write it and publish.

Did you read the sci-fi about the dogs.  The aliens were coming from the 
future, attacking,  and men were afraid.  Then everyone noticed that the aliens 
were only shooting at the dogs.  Poof!  Dog gone!  The dogs were then hidden in 
underground caves to protect them.

If was rough in the caves and dogs had to be smart to survive.  The dogs 
evolved and got very smart.  When they emerged they saved the earth and 
defeated the aliens.

Good reading by all accounts.

I'll will wait for your book.

Frank Z

-----Original Message-----
From: Vorl Bek <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Wed, May 30, 2012 8:14 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]: brand new twisted conspiracy theory

> I think you should develop more you story. It has a decent
> premise, I think.

It reminds me of the scifi story about the benign aliens who own
earth but have kept to a hands-off policy all these millennia.

Because of a shakeup in galactic politics, they sell earth to a
coalition which believes in making your property work for you.

I think the story was called 'Sold Down the River'.


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