I share your concerns, Mark

And, according to studies I've read, hardening the grid would not really
cost that much - certainly just a small fraction of what's spent to
protect against imaginary dangers.

I am not sure, but I believe a meteor or comet strike (Tunguska scale)
could also cause an EMP large enough to cause a cascading failure.

Looking at the state of politics, there is no reason for optimism.

Lou Pagnucco

Mark Goldes wrote:
> Vo,
> A pair of little reported Time Bombs threaten to end billions of human
> lives.
> The first is the Fuel Ponds at Fukushima. A highly probable, near-term,
> powerful earthquake can release enough radioactivity to endanger most of
> our lives in the Northern hemisphere.
> The second is a little recognized, but surprisingly very possible, solar
> storm emission that can bring down power grids for months. Nuclear plants
> would become meltdown candidates. That could end human life almost
> everywhere on the planet.
> Both might be stopped by a massive government initiative that can
> stimulate major involvement of private capital.
> This would be the economic equivalent of fighting a life threatening war.
> It can reboot the economy and generate large numbers of jobs.
> Solar roofs have become much more important than any grid dependent
> technology.
> LENR is one of the most promising Black Swans that might make a
> contribution.
> See www.aesopinstitute.org for a few details - and possible paths to
> prevent the worst from happening.
> Mark
> Mark Goldes
> Co-founder, Chava Energy
> CEO, Aesop Institute
> 301A North Main Street
> Sebastopol, CA 95472
> www.chavaenergy.com
> www.aesopinstitute.org
> 707 861-9070
> 707 497-3551 fax

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