Fukushima reactor 4 requires urgent intervention; coalition calls for emergency 
UN action to halt catastrophic release of radiation
Kyoto, Japan — On 30 April, seventy-two Japanese NGO organizations lead by Shut 
Tomari and Green Action send an urgent request to the UN and Japanese 
government urging immediate action to stabilize the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear 
Power Plant Unit 4 spent nuclear fuel. The letter was endorsed by experts from 
Japan and abroad.The letter warned that the seriously damaged Unit 4 spent 
nuclear fuel pool contains Cesium-137 (Cs-137) that is equivalent to 10 times 
the amount released at the time of the Chernobyl nuclear accident. If an 
earthquake or other event were to cause this pool to drain, this could result 
in a catastrophic radiological fire.
The letter urged the United Nations to organize a Nuclear Safety Summit to take 
up the crucial problem of the Fukushima Daiichi Unit 4 spent nuclear fuel pool. 
The letter stated that the United Nations should establish an independent 
assessment team on Fukushima Daiichi Unit 4 and coordinate international 
assistance in order to stabilize the unit’s spent nuclear fuel and prevent 
radiological consequences with potentially catastrophic consequences.
Letters were sent to both UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Prime Minister 
Yoshihiko Noda, the latter asking that Japan ask immediately for the UN’s help.
Nearly all of the 10,893 spent fuel assemblies at the Fukushima Daiichi plant 
sit in pools vulnerable to future earthquakes, with roughly 85 times more 
long-lived radioactivity than released at Chernobyl.
Kaori Izumi of Shut Tomari stated, “Fukushima Daiichi is no longer a Japanese 
issue but is an international issue. It is imperative for the Japanese 
government and the international community to work together on this crisis 
before it becomes too late.”
Nuclear experts from the US and Japan such as Arnie Gundersen, Robert Alvarez, 
Hiroaki Koide, Masashi Goto, and Mitsuhei Murata, a former Japanese ambassador 
to Switzerland, and, Akio Matsumura, a former UN diplomat have continually 
warned against the high risk of the Fukushima Unit 4 spent nuclear fuel pool.
Shut Tomari and Green Action are seeking endorsements from civil organizations 
abroad (deadline 20 May). More Japanese civil organizations are expected to 
sign on in addition to the seventy-two organizations. (Deadline for signatures: 
20 May.)
For full text of letter/endorsements/signatories, see: http://wp.me/p1FMPy-B6
Press release issued by:
Shut Tomari (Japan),

Mark Goldes
Co-founder, Chava Energy
CEO, Aesop Institute
301A North Main Street
Sebastopol, CA 95472


707 861-9070
707 497-3551 fax
From: Not Me [energya...@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2012 7:53 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Time bombs and the need to decentralize energy

How about some actual quantities, instead of just saying "huge" amounts of 

"The total spent reactor fuel inventory at the Fukushima-Daichi site contains 
nearly half of the total amount of Cs-137 estimated by the NCRP to have been 
released by all atmospheric nuclear weapons testing, Chernobyl, and world-wide 
reprocessing plants (~270 million curies or ~9.9 E+18 Becquerel)."

Source: http://www.fukushima311watchdogs.org/share.php?partager=1260

Note: this source is definitely not pro-nuclear.

The storage pool at reactor 4 contains about 1500 spent fuel rods. This amounts 
to less than 1/6 of the total spent reactor fuel inventory at the 
Fukushima-Daichi site. If all of the fuel at Daichi amounts to less than half 
of the Cs-137 previously released into the environment, release of all the 
Cs-137 in the storage pool at reactor 4 would amount to less than 8% of the 
amount previously released into the environment.

As stated previously, there is no conceivable mechanism that would release all 
the material in the storage pool at reactor 4.

Since the half-life of Cs-137 is 30 years, the majority of the previously 
released amounts are still active in the environment. Any release of Cs-137 
from the storage pool at reactor 4 would only increase the amount of Cs-137 in 
the environment by a negligible amount, certainly not enough to endanger human 
life anywhere but the in the immediate surrounding of the plant.

People who continue to spread this fear-mongering propaganda have zero 
scientific credibility.

If there is a further accident at Fukushima-Daichi that results in a release of 
some of the spent fuel, the fear-mongers will be responsible for more bad 
health effects through added stress on the scientifically illiterate than the 
radiation release could ever cause.

Arnie Gunderson, who used to build nuclear fuel pools, has stated if this 
building collapses he sees it likely to produce sufficient fallout to endanger 
human life everywhere in the Northern hemisphere. See ENENews.com for ongoing 
reports on Fukushima.

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