Entanglement is hard to understand.

Here is my take on what this article says.

When subatomic particles become entangled, they essentially share the same
matter wave form. It is like a group of people who decide to poll their
money in a bank in a joint account where any of these people can withdraw
this pool of money if they want to.

In this same way, these quantum particles(QP) can share all their quantum
properties, including mass, energy, charge, and spin.

I specify a QP instead of electrons because the proton can behave in the
same way since the laws of quantum mechanics makes no distinction among the
various types of subatomic particles.

Just like in a joint bank account that grows large as more depositors join
the account, the matter wave form is amplified by the number of particles
that donate their wealth into the joint kitty.

What the referenced article states is surprising.  One QP can stay at home
and live frugally taking very little energy out of the common account to
orbit an atom, but one of his twins is off zipping around using a large
amount of the joint energy account in going fast, living large, and getting

In terms of LENR it can go the other way where the grope of quantum
depositors in the joint account can share in the windfall of a lucky

An entangled QP( say a proton) can slip into a nucleus with its coulomb
barrier down in a cold fusion process and gain a large amount of energy.

But all of the members of the entangled group can spend that gamma ray
sized energy windfall in smaller chunks of x-ray photons.

If the number of members of the group is large, the energy is spent in
small thermal packets.

But sometimes thinks can get gummed up as follows:

“Adjusting the crystal composition or structure can be used to tune the
degree of entanglement and the heaviness of electrons. Make the electrons
too heavy and they freeze into a magnetized state, stuck at each atom in
the crystal while spinning in unison. But tweaking the crystal composition
so that the electrons have just the right amount of entanglement turns
these heavy electrons into superconductors when they are cooled.”

This also happens in LENR. When thing go wrong, and the crystal composition
is not right, the gamma rays produced by fusion are not transformed or
thermalized by QM entanglement.

This is why superconductivity and LENR act in similar ways and use the same
basic QM tricks.

Cheers:  Axil

On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 1:56 PM, MarkI-ZeroPoint <zeropo...@charter.net>wrote:

> FYI:****
> ** **
> “Electrons moving in certain solids can behave as if they are a thousand
> times more massive than free electrons…”****
> ** **
> Popular article here:****
> “Got mass? Scientists observe electrons become both heavy and speedy”****
> http://phys.org/news/2012-06-mass-scientists-electrons-heavy-speedy.html**
> **
> ** **
> Abstract here:****
> http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v486/n7402/full/nature11204.html****
> ** **
> Is mainstream science finally catching up to LENR???  ****
> Would this enhance electron capture in hydrogen-loaded metal lattices?****
> -Mark Iverson****
> ** **

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