LENR will create lots of new products and create industries where there are
none today.

Money is just a vehicle for goods and services to change hands and as long
as capitalism remains that won't change.

Just cooling off the oceans and removing CO2 from the atmosphere will be
one new industry...

Retooling all of industry with LENR heaters and Boilers will create an
unbelievable amount of work for the next 20+ years

On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 10:48 AM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:

> These plutocrats will strongly resist their fall from power; maintaining
> their position is their agenda. And how can economics functions without
> money? I will all be interesting to watch.
> Cheers:   Axil
> On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 10:16 AM, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson <
> svj.orionwo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Ah! It's soapbox time! Let me step on top of mine!
>> I suspect that if the prospects of robotics and LENR, or one of the
>> LENR cousins, pans out in the near future the concept of what money
>> represents to individuals, companies, and government circles will also
>> have to evolve with the times. Perhaps dramatically so.
>> For thousands of years, as the concept of money and currency evolved
>> in our world it has all too often been used (I'd say abused) in
>> efforts to amass wealth along with the vestiges of power that go along
>> with it by small elite groups of individuals who are more adept than
>> the average person at amassing such artifacts. IMHO, the single most
>> egregious problem "money" has created in our society is the fact that
>> people attribute "wealth" and "power" to pieces of coins or paper
>> currency. Because they perceive "wealth" and "power" as linked to
>> pieces of coins and paper currency they have done a very good job of
>> keeping these commodities scarce, artificially so, which in turn keeps
>> such artifacts constantly in high demand. (Think of the monopoly De
>> Beers has artificially created over the diamond trade.)
>> I think most of us have gotten the concept of money turned half-assed
>> backwards. Too many of us forget the fact that money in truth only
>> represents potential wealth & power. We forget is the fact that money
>> is only worth something when it is actively being used in transactions
>> between interested parties in order to purchase and/or exchange
>> artifacts of wealth & power among interested parties. When money is
>> not actively being used in such a manner, when money is sitting around
>> in a person's wallet, it has absolutely no value in itself. Granted,
>> few of this belief that... considering the number of individuals that
>> can a make a living as self-employed pickpockets in the world, but
>> that is the truth.
>> If something as disruptive as LENR were suddenly to come along and
>> cause many of societies' products and services such as energy, food,
>> the basic products associated with survival and a means to a decent
>> living to become ubiquitous it will wreak havoc with a small group of
>> individuals who have made a very good living at controlling the supply
>> of coins and paper currency that historically had always been used to
>> control the scarcity of these articles. Their "services" will no
>> longer be needed.
>> IMHO, LENR will not only be responsible for a huge paradigm shift in
>> the redistribution of energy, it will also be largely responsible for
>> the redistribution of political power back into the hands of
>> individuals and their respective local communities.
>> My virtual 2 cents.
>> Regards
>> Steven Vincent Johnson
>> www.OrionWorks.com
>> www.zazzle.com/orionworks

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