Jojo, I think the evidence is that global warming is very real.  The main 
question to some is whether or not it is mainly the result of our intervention 
as opposed to natural causes.  The earth never remains constant in temperature 
for long and it is better to be warming than cooling in my opinion.  It appears 
that LENR is the cure for any ills generated by us and it has plenty of time to 
do the task if the accepted timetables are correct.

There is however reason to worry that the present warming phase might help 
precipitate a dangerous cooling period as melting ice changes ocean currents.  
Some refer to this as a form of tipping point that might be crossed in the near 
term.  I hope that this does not happen for all of our sakes.  It may be too 
late for us to avert this scenario.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jojo Jaro <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Sun, Jul 29, 2012 8:09 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Koch founded climate skeptic changes sides

They can relocate to highlands.  Bangladesh has some high lands you know.
Oh!, my heart bleeds for Florida.  If people want to live near coastal areas, 
then they should bear the consequence.  I am tired of bailing out homes 
destroyed in hurricanes. 
No, I am saying that Global Warming is not real.  But I am giving you a chance 
to see the fallacy of your position by saying that even if you are right, it 
not as bad as you make it out to be.  It might even be good for humankind.
----- Original Message ----- 
From:   Jed   Rothwell 
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 7:42 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Koch founded climate   skeptic changes sides

Jojo Jaro <> wrote:
Even if Global Warming raises Ocean Level a few feet     (Which is the worst 
case scenario.) it won't submerge Bangladesh.  But     even if it does, it's 
about time they relocate anyways.  There're on     borrowed time with their 
yearly occurence of flooding     anyways.


Where would they relocate to?

Do you have any idea what "a few feet" would do to other cities and   Florida?!?

Again, I must say, I find it astounding that you agree   the phenomenon may be 
real, but you think it will cause no great   harm. Saying that impoverished 
people in Bangladesh should move   elsewhere is callous.

This is like saying that avian influenza might cross the   species boundary to 
people but it will not cause much harm, and even if   does kill some people, 
they will be mostly poor and the world is overpopulated   anyway. And besides, 
the last time that happened in 1918, it did not have much   effect. It infected 
only one fifth of the population and killed only ~50   million people. It was 
no worse than WWII. See:

- Jed


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