>From Jojo,


> Indeed it is getting silly.... Silly how people jam their beliefs

> of AGW down your throat.  There is NO AGW.  But even if there was,

> as many people said here, I'd rather have it warmer than colder. 

> Colder weather is more an environmental catastrophe than weather

> that is warmer a few degrees.


And You're not expressing your personal beliefs down the Collective's throat 


You strike me as feeling quite threatened by all this AGW talk. It really 
bothers you doesn't it. Tell me Jojo, in your worst nightmare scenario, where 
AGW could possibly "win" not the scientific battle, but the political battle 
and the majority begins to "believe" in AGW ramifications, and lawmakers start 
to implement some of the suggestions AGW scientists have recommended we do. How 
would the ramifications of such a policy change affect you personally?


> Once again, this is not about environmentalism per se. 

> This is an occultic pantheistic movement, nothing more

> than the worship of Mother Earth.


Again, I appreciate the fact you've come out of the closet in a really big and 
flaming way within the Collective in regards to your personal beliefs on AGW 
and whatnot. But does the premise of AGW really threaten your beliefs on such 
matters that much? It's not like anyone here is forcing you to marry a 
particular belief possessing a gender you disapprove of. Certainly, a few in 
the Collective disagree with you... your belief on the AWG matter, but that's 
not the same thing as putting a shotgun to your head and saying it's my way or 
the hi-way.



Steven Vincent Johnson



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