Jones, I want to inject my question about the effect of magnetic fields into 
the considerations.  You have pointed out that power is always required for 
heat generation and I recall that power is supplied by means of an electric 
current in most cases.  I think it is prudent for us to make an attempt to 
determine how a magnetic field might influence the operation.

The fact that a certain temperature makes a difference tends to suggest the 
rearrangement of grains of the material which is a characteristic of magnetic 
behavior.  Nickel is particularly responsive to magnetic fields.

Do you see any way to include such an effect within your analysis?


-----Original Message-----
From: Jones Beene <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Fri, Aug 3, 2012 10:58 am
Subject: RE: [Vo]:magma heat source?

                From: Roarty, Francis 
*       Is it possible that 1) Ni-H releases H, 2) the released H is forced
into Pd fissure, 3) its electron cloud goes through redistribution, and 4)
energy is released. [snip]

Doesn't that scenario presuppose that there is an adequate distribution of
pure palladium in the magma, and in particles which are large enough to
fissure? That situation seems unlikely in a statistical sense - given the
rarity of Pd in the earth's crust, and the fact it is almost always found as
an alloy, and is very ductile and would heal fissures when under pressure.
However, something similar with Ni-Pd alloy could happen, according to
Ahern's Arata replication.

But first, isn't "electron cloud redistribution" a dynamical Casimir effect,
not necessarily involving fusion? That is my take on it. If so, you do not
need fissures anyway (as opposed to maximum loading). However, this brings
up two overlooked points.

There is a most interesting but limited paper showing thermal gain in
hydrogen filters - which is seen around 350 C. The effect is the small
'bump' in the graph that happens after power is cutoff. This same trigger
temperature was found by Ahern, and by several others - and it has been
found in both Pd and Ni (and in alloys of the two) - always in a range
around 350 C. That information is all in the public domain, and in the paper
from Fralick of NASA  - or 

It is not a big effect in itself, but the 'bump' or gain - is persistent.
Perhaps all that is needed, for getting excess heat continuously from even
the hydrogen filter shown in the paper - is to cycle around this point
continuously, using good controls. In a commercial context, that should
read: "using good controls such as NI and Siemens have developed for this
niche". Does this not explain why one must add heat to an exothermic process
in order to get the excess heat? And why the Austin meeting could provide
confirmation of some of what has been mostly anecdotal.

That little detail - concerning a novel process always requiring some level
of power input to get excess output - is perplexing to all the experts in
thermodynamics who want to model this as a nuclear process... one where heat
addition is not required. It is not primarily that kind of process! But let
me add the caveat that, yes - a small number of real nuclear reactions can
and do occur - but as a side effect. The nuclear reactions seen are 4 orders
of magnitude too low to provide the excess energy, but they do manage to
confuse everyone into thinking that this is nuclear (instead of primarily
non-nuclear with a small nuclear side-effect).

I am almost certain that this will be the one big message, if not the only
useful message, which comes out of the NI conference in Austin: "cycle your
input carefully around the trigger point". Of course, this means Rossi is
either full of BS with his 600 degree nonsense, or else that he has found a
completely new reaction regime over the most common one (and the one which
he started with). The smart money is on "completely full of BS" and/or his
silly attempts to always add misdirection and disinformation, into the mix. 

So back to the original suggestion of an alternative for magma heating.
Nickel is not rare. In earth's crust, there is 99 ppm of Ni compared to .015
for Pd - several thousand times more. Plus, deuterium is not needed for NiH
thermal success. Plus, Ahern and others discovered that an alloy of nickel
with only 5% Pd provides 400% increase hydrogen loading compared to pure Pd
(4:1 vs 1:1). If we are looking for energy gain through some kind of
electron cloud redistribution, or whatever happens in tight loading, then
you would want maximum the loading and the porosity of the matrix, no? That
eliminates Pd in favor of alloys which seem to be mostly (95%) nickel, and
in some kind of a natural porous 'foam' with Casimir internal cavities which
form and disappear as the magma squishes around, and there are probably many
undiscovered hosts for this process. 



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