Welcome, Kelley Trezise, great to have your participation here at Vortex.

 Take note. The engine was not connected to electric power when it
exploded. See the article in total.


     Apart from the intense contemporary work to resurrect the Papp engine
in its full cycling functionality and the independent certification test in
1983 (see p. 9), what other proof is there that Papp's engine was for real?
Sad to say, this evidence is the death of one person and the severe injury
of three others at a public demonstration of the engine on November 18,
1968 in Gardena, California. At that event, the engine exploded with an
evident energy release that no internal combustion engine could touch. Read
the eyewitness testimony of engineer Cecil Baumgartner (p. 31) in my
interview with him this year. He was representing the top management of the
TRW aerospace corporation that day. The previous month (on October 27,
1968) Baumgartner and others had observed one of the detonation cylinders
of the engine test fired in the California desert. In full public view,
just a few cubic centimeters of noble gas had been admitted with a
hypodermic needle to the sparking chamber, and this made the thick
steel-walled chamber peel back like a banana when the device was
electrically triggered. The collaborating observers from the Naval
Underseas Warfare Laboratory (as the Pasadena, California lab was then
called), who attended the desert test, had earlier sealed the chamber so
that Papp or others could not insert illicit explosives as part of a hoax.
Their names, according to Baumgartner, were: William White, Edmund Karig,
and James Green.

 Cheers: Axil

On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 12:16 PM, Kelley Trezise <ktrez2...@ssvecnet.com>wrote:

> **
>  Long time lurker. Hope I'm using this correctly. Looked at the video of
> the Papp Engine and just thought I might add that I am always a little ill
> at ease when I don't see an energy balance on a system that people are
> claiming to produce net energy out. I saw Rossi's rough data from last year
> and as it had the blessing of two physicists I was able to show some faith
> in him and his system, however strange his behavior and outlandish the
> claims. But here I see little but some guys in a garage building another
> magical magnetic motor thingy with no data backing up their claims.

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