At 08:31 PM 8/10/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
He imprisoned a decorated American Colonel soldier because he did not want to reveal his Vault BC.

Okay, here is what Jojo is talking about:

This is truly a sad case, but Obama did not imprison the fellow. A military court did, and the colonel acknowledged that what he did was wrong.

Jojo, how about you send this guy the money he lost by standing for what you believe? It was people like you who egged him on.

There you go, Jojo. Try to make up, at least a bit, for the damage you did.

I did find some agreement with Joj's position. In Pravda:

On the other hand, in the matter of legal opinion, the view that Jojo described as just my opinion seems to have been the opinion of every court which has considered the issue, and of academics and lawyers, with hardly any exception.


I know that Wikipedia articles might not be complete, but ...

It's looking like Jojo has simply been lying.

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