He didn`t say anything bad about Jesus, he just questioned if you were
following His principles properly. I am sure Abd has Jesus in high regard.
But, now, it seems you are really begging for being banned.

2012/8/9 Jojo Jaro <jth...@hotmail.com>

> PS.  I know for a fact that Jesus Christ does not like lying so I am not
> lying.  What I do know is that allah (aka Satan) is a liar and the father
> of lies.  That is why, you as an allah slave have no compunction at all
> about your blatant lies.  That is why Bin Laden has no compunction in lying
> to kill people.
> (Remember, you started this religious attack.  This is your third post
> with religious attacks. I never initiate a personal attack but I will give
> as good as I take.)
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Abd ul-Rahman Lomax" <
> a...@lomaxdesign.com>
> To: <vortex-l@eskimo.com>; <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
> Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 2:39 AM
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Blather in the mass media makes scientists think we are
> crazy
>  At 11:39 AM 8/9/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
>>> All your "eloquent" words are futile until such time as you can answer
>>> one simple question.
>>> Why is bambi still hiding his real Vault Birth Certificate?
>>> It makes no sense to do so, unless one is hiding something.  This
>>> controversy will end 1 second after bambi releases his vault BC.  There is
>>> no need to spend millions of taxpayer money for this.  There is no need for
>>> all your "eloquent" speculations and explanations.  Just do it and be done
>>> with it.  Why continue the hiding?
>> Uh, Obama long ago released the Long Form Birth Certificate. That's the
>> original document signed by the mother and attending physician.
>> There is no other "vault" certificate. The Hawaii Long Forms from then
>> are kept in a bound volume. They are not publicly accessible. That, in
>> fact, is why it took so long for Obama to release the Long Form. It took a
>> special request and a special decision by the Health Department. You can't
>> just request the Long Form, there is no procedure for it.
>> You are asking a loaded question, Jojo, that assumes something is being
>> hidden. What makes you so certain of that, such that you can ask such a
>> question and not simply be a liar, liar, pants on fire?
>> Do you imagine that Jesus loves liars and deceivers? All in a good cause?
>> One test of the sincerity of faith is dedication to truth and honesty,
>> regardless of implications, of reputation or "face."
>> The only other documents that would exist would be doctor's notes or
>> notes taken by nurses. These are not "birth certificates" and they don't
>> have legal force. They are used temporarily until the attending physicician
>> --  or midwife or parent or other person, under unusual circumstances --
>> gets around to signing the thing. They are almost certainly long ago
>> discarded. But they might exist, in old charts, if those are in an archive
>> somewhere. Obama would not have access to them, not directly. But I suppose
>> he could ask.
>> Why should he? The signed, attested documents, executed under laws that
>> would penalize false statements, are legally the strongest documents that
>> exist. Old notes would not supersede them, because notes can be wrong and
>> nobody has signed them as being true.
>> I'm starting to doubt that Jojo is serious. This could merely be trolling.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

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