> From: "Axil Axil" <janap...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2012 8:59:28 PM

I agree with your rankings (presuming, of course, that they perform to spec). 

> Papp first at one,

It's the only one which can do anything immediately ... car, plane, boat, 
electricity, heat ... and at a staggeringly low price (even at a 2x margin).

And if they have multiple manufacturers in December ..... !!

> Rossi in the middle at two

If he can indeed deliver with thermal feedback  (ie infinite COP) -- domestic 
for heating, 1200C for electrical generation (but can he do that with the 
domestic?).  But neither is as good as slapping a generator onto a drive-shaft.

> DGTG last at 3.

Was leading because of their COP=20, but now trailing. 

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