> From: "Alan Fletcher" <a...@well.com>
> Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2012 5:04:25 PM
> Also from eCatnews -- http://shutdownrossi.com/?page_id=759
> Claims to be eMails, NDA and other info between Rossi and eCat Australia
> (Roger Green, Robert (?) and Gary Wright)

It looks to me as if "Roger Green" got hold of some genuine Rossi documents 
(NDA,1MW Manual) and then tried to scam "Roger K".

There isn't any direct correspondence of any kind from Rossi .. ONE email (#97  
8/5/12) with Rossi quotes which seemed to answer some direct questions from 
Roger K ... but which could have been culled from some other genuine 

I agree it's a scam ... but NOT by Rossi.

Includes a 1MW user manual ... which doesn't really say much, EXCEPT that if 
opened the modules may release toxic, explosive materials.


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