If the Papp engine really works, it shows us that collapsed Helium ions
work just as well as Collapsed Hydrogen ions...

On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 3:35 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

> At 01:56 PM 8/13/2012, Bastiaan Bergman wrote:
>> http://physics.aps.org/**articles/v5/90<http://physics.aps.org/articles/v5/90>
>> [...]
>> "What is not known, and remains under considerable debate even now, is
>> how the energy stored in the magnetic fields is converted into heating
>> the corona "
>> Lesson:
>> We have no freeking clue how fusion works
> Well, how hot fusion works is pretty well known. The corona is plasma. If
> I'm correct, it's not hot enough to result in much fusion. The problem here
> isn't a lack of understanding of fusion.
> Now, Mills has a theory about the corona. That's another matter and
> doesn't relate to fusion, not there, anyway. In condensed matter, hydrinos,
> if they exist, might catalyze fusion better than electrons can. Very close
> hydrinos would almost certainly catalyze fusion.

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