At 02:06 AM 8/16/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
I had unsubscribed and never intending to repost here again but I just can't stand the pretentious verbal diarrhea of this self-appointed so called LENR Expert.

Sorry, honey, I'm late for dinner, but Someone is Wrong on the Internet.

I tend to write in response to issues, questions, comments. Occasionally I write something original. I also research my topics, it can take a long time to write, but I also comment on what I've found as if the reader might be interested. I'm only writing for interested readers, not necessarily for everyone.

Jojo, here, reports a highly negative response to my writing. He's not the first, and he's not the first to report this and then to continue eating the diarrhea, to continue getting sick from it, and to complain at length. Jojo, consistently, has refused to look at himself, at his own behavior. In his world, anyone who points out the blatant errors in his assumptions and writings is an idiot, Obot believer in obviously faked PDFs, believer in evolution against all evidence, any of many situations that really show us how Jojo is teetering on the edge of a cliff, caught in the web of what he firmly believes, against all evidence. I.e., what he sees in others. Cast the beam out of your own eye, first, Jojo. Didn't someone you supposedly revere say something like that?

I'll never attack your real faith and your actual reverence. What I've pointed out is your hypocrisy, as your Friend would point out. You would crucify your friends, as you did before. Isn't being a "Christian" taking that on, taking responsibility for it, and living the truth of it?

Last time I checked, science and the scientific method involves First, coming up with a hypothesis to explain the observed phenomena, then testing your hypothesis with experiments. And this is exactly what CE is doing. He has come up with a hypothesis and I believe he intends to test it with experiments.

Jojo may believe that, but I don't see that from CE. CE is hypothesizing, having fun. Nothing wrong with that, per se. CE is free to contradict me; after all, this immediate issue is about what CE intends to do, and he would be the world's foremost authority on that.

He has graciously shared his theory for peer review and discussion. He has done the first steps of what a good scientist should be doing. Of course, I am cognizant of the fact that his theory is new and a little incomplete, but CE has made no pretensions otherwise.

I have not accused CE of any pretense. "A little incomplete," though is a major understatement. So what?

But instead of contributing to the discussion about the theory and advancing our understanding, Abd has resorted to envious criticism.

I wrote in response to CE, giving him the benefit of a few years of study and research. (I'm, relatively speaking, an expert on cold fusion because I've written about the field since 2009, reading extensively and discussing it with experts, and I had the scientific background to understand the issues.)

CE doesn't seem to mind, he appreciated it. He will do, with this, what he chooses. Jaro has no clue what is really going on here, he's seeing everything through his own illness and allergy to criticism. He expects others to react as he reacts.

This verbal diarrhea is symptomatic of what is wrong with scienctists nowadays (not that I consider this dude to be a scientist by any stretch of the imagination.)

That's contradictory, you know. Most scientists don't write at length for a somewhat-general audience as I do. Whether I'm a "scientist" or not depends on definitions. It's not my profession. I was simply trained in the sciences. Usually I claim to be a writer, and I've been an editor, professionally and otherwise. Sometimes I write on certain sciences, especially where I have some unusual experience. Sometime, for example, I might write about the normal central scotoma. Do you know that it is fairly easy to directly see it? You read it here first.

(A highly competent optometrist I told about this certainly did not know that. What it takes is not difficult, simply unusual. I stumbled across it. I notice stuff that others don't notice, sometimes.)

Too much pride and false expertise being thrown around.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

This dude Abd thinks he is an expert in LENR, and criticizes anything that he did not come up with.

That's preposterous. I comment on the comments of others, sometimes identifying errors in them. Most of what I write about is not original with me, though some is.

Others do the same for me, by the way. I'm subscribed to the mailing list for LENR researchers, having been invited. In other words, they think of me as one of them, and I actually function that way. I was credited in the Storms review (2010) in Naturwissenschaften, because of editorial work I did with that article. I'm involved in current research, and am preparing to do my own original research, I have all the necessary materials, and one kit that I made has already been run by a student. I'm not prepared, yet, to report again on what happened. Everything in its time.

One of the reasons I do know so much about cold fusion, LENR, is that I write what I think, and that provides an opportunity for correction. It's a very fast way to learn. I make a lot of mistakes at first, but those mistakes generally decline with time. Many times, I've stuck my foot in my mouth, but what allows me to learn is that I come to recognize the taste of my own foot, and sometimes I don't even, then, need someone else. Ah, there's that taste again!

But because I write freely, on mailing lists like this, I don't edit myself much. There are mistakes in what I write. Often nobody notices them, sometimes I've written something confidently for *years* until it finally comes up. Too many times it's come up because I was writing something more formal and needed to nail down the evidence, and, ooops! I'd misread it. That's a bit frustrating, I wish that my *friends* were more critical!

So enemies will have to do. Listen to your enemies (or those you imagine are your enemies), Jaro, you can learn a great deal from them. They will tell you what your friends will not, if you are lucky. But ... to benefit from this, you'll have to listen to them. Again, your Friend said things about this. Instead of imagining that he was warning and advising everyone *else* -- which would be useless to you, or worse -- consider that he might be talking about you. For your benefit.

 He did it with Axil and now with CE.

Jojo should be aware whom he is serving by attempting to stir up enmity between us. CE isn't offended, and Axil is quite a good writer, and knowledgeable, generally. I think he's also, like CE, tending to go a bit overboard, proposing theory to explain unestablished science, but this is Vortex. People do that here. It's fun.

Yet, he himself has not really come up with anything to advance our understanding of this field.

Well, I have, but this isn't the place to go into that.

Nor is he involved in any experiment that we know of, to help explain the phenomena.

I'm involved, but it's private. This is current research, with a major published author. And that's as much as I can disclose at this time.

  Just all talk and verbal diarrhea and criticisms and insults.

Which Jojo seems compelled to read again.

Frankly, I am sick of all talk and no action from this dude. Though I do not consider myself an expert, at least I am doing something to help explain this phenomena. Much much more that what Abd has done with his pretentious criticisms and verbal diarrhea.

We don't need "explanations." We actually aren't ready for them, there isn't enough data. We have over twenty years of speculation by people who know ten times as much about nuclear physics, as anyone likely to be writing on this list, and none of those explanations are adequate, yet, to be published recently in any peer-reviewed journal as anything more than a conjecture, an incomplete piece of a possible theory.

PS:  Tell us Abd exactly what your expertise is.

I'm an expert in recognising pseudoscience from know-it-all fanatics. I've actually been mentioned for that in an article by Martin Gardner. I'm also an expert in pseudoskepticism, in line with Gardner and especially Truzzi.

A quick google search reveals Abd to be a college dropout who's claim to famed is that he "studied" physics.

No, that's obviously not my claim to fame. It's a fact: I dropped out of the California Institute of Technology, in my third year, to pursue other interests. Call it life. I have seven children and six grandchildren, and I've run a number of businesses, and I've done many other things. At Cal Tech, I took first-year chemistry, my professor was Linus Pauling. First and second-year physics were with Richard P. Feynman, those were the two years that resulted in his standard physics text. That dates my first two years at Cal Tech precisely to Fall 1961 - Spring 1963. I left Cal Tech for a year, then came back for one term, and left in good standing. Never went back. In my sabbatical year, I went to Long Beach State College for a term, took an art class and lucked out, for I had a famous professor, Conner Everts.

Everts came into that class, toward the end, in a wheelchair from the police beating mentioned on that page. I remember Everts' response when I justified the apparently massive deviation of a piece of mine from the apparent assignment. He asked me about the assignment. I repeated it to him (accurately). It was to juxtapose a three-dimensional piece with a two-dimensional piece such that the eye was fooled.

I had taken a mattress board, covered with cloth with images of chrystanthemums on it, had taped a real dried chrysanthemum on it, and ran a single stroke of ugly green paint across the mattress board cover. After all, this was "art." He pointed out that this was a real chrysanthemum, and the images of chrysanthemums on the cloth were stylized, even a different coler (white rather than the brownish color of the dried flower).

I said, "It's not perfect."

He laughed so hard his glasses fell off and broke. Of course, "not perfect" was my point. No representation is perfect. He knew that. We had a lot of fun in that class. I got an A. Of course, so did everyone else who wanted one and agreed to his terms.

 Now, he is a wikipedia editor for Cold Fusion.

Not at all. That's really old news. I'm banned on Wikipedia. As was almost every expert on cold fusion who dared to make knowledgeable suggestions on the article Talk page, such as Jed Rothwell. (Jed has not been formally banned, but would still be treated as if he was. Wikipedia process is a tad feudal.) If you want an earful, ask Jed about Wikipedia.

So, this is the background of our Wiki "expert". You know what my mother always says; " Shallow waters run noisy." LOL ...

You should listen to your mother, Jojo. She is warning you. You think it's about other people.

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