In what proportions are these transmutations occuring. If they are 
one-hundredthousandth of the amount of fusion of deurium and so contribute 
little in the way of net heat out they are just a side reaction but an 
important one as they provide testament of a nuclear reaction. The 
transmutation of larger atomic species may be a side reaction. 

I think people are being too dismissive of the idea of a nano structure/void or 
topology being important in this process. If the effect can be conjured up 
using materials other than palladium or nickle then what does that suggest? 
What conditions are common to all those various systems? Can the phenomena be 
brought to life in a pure crystal of a substance or does it require defects be 
present? If that is so then it is to some degree a surface effect. What is 
common to all the systems that have produced a LENR effect?
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Axil Axil 
  Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2012 11:13 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:video: An Explanation of Low-energy Nuclear Reactions (Cold 
Fusion) by Edmund Storms

  The Nuclear reactions that ED Storms thinks is happening is not consistent to 
what Rossi and Piantelli see as nuclear reaction products. These reaction 
products include copper, cobalt, zinc, iron, calcium, and so on, together with 
a mix of the first 19 of the lightest elements. 

  Yes, Rossi's info is questionable by Piantelli info is solid.

  PS: a top of the line presentation.

  Cheers:  Axil

  On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 12:40 AM, Ruby <> wrote:

    I have uploaded an interview with Edmund Storms on his new theory of what 
starts the cold fusion reaction.

    I'll be on the road, in my truck, headed to the Bay area (San Francisco 
California region for you non-left-coasters) for another interview, then up to 
Humboldt County to visit my storage unit (next to Hiro's), camp out in the 
Redwoods and edit lots more video.

    As such, I won't be monitoring comments on Cold Fusion Now, and I'm going 
to send any individuals interested in discussing the work here to this thread.  
Is that illegal on Vortex?

    I am having alot of fun making these videos.  
    Especially now that I've discovered the Zoom text on iMovie.  


    Ruby Carat
    United States 1-707-616-4894
    Skype ruby-carat

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