

Yes - in a short post about a complicated subject, it is hard to cover all
the bases. I think Kim is incorrect on some of the details, but his take on
it is intriguing.


It is certainly possible that we should be talking about multiples of 2
bound protons, instead of only 2 - or alternatively, many molecules of
already densified hydrogen - denoted here as IRH or f/H since Mills has
trademarked his designation for fractional hydrogen. f/H is a composite
boson as well.


Note that a Casimir cavity is far more spacious than the interstices or a
metal matrix of a proton conductor. The proton conductor can "feed" a
Casimir cavity, or it can operate as the conduit between cavities. Those
cavities, at the most active diameter of 2 nm, can accommodate many dozens
of pairs of f/H. 


This hierarchy of spatial structure within an active metal complicates
things - so as of now - everyone is talking in generalities to some degree. 


From: Franco Talari 


       I don't understand how you can call 2 protons (which combine to form
a bosonic quasiparticle) a 'condensate' (transient or otherwise) since
protons are Fermions and only 1 quasiparticle boson is formed from 2
protons.  A single boson (pair of protons) is not a condensate.  In Kim's
theory of Ni-H LENR, he assumes that  2 protons can combine above the Curie
temperature (when the "internal" magnetic field is weak) to form a spin zero
bosonic quasiparticle and that a quasi BEC condensate can then be formed due
to overlap between bosonic Ni nuclei with even nucleon number and bosonic
quasiparticles (pairs of protons) with spin zero.  I don't think he explains
what the attractive interaction is that causes the protons to "pair-up", but
with many such pairs one could imagine a condensate forming. 




All in all, this Zhao paper reinforces the strategy of JoJo and/or anyone
else who may be considering it - to work with hydrogen and CNT. I hope that
a number of experimenters can get hold of adequate material to try, and will
report results, even if negative.

If you want to tie this paper into a particular Ni-H theory - there is the
nanomagnetism concept of Ahern. That theory is a work in progress, but it
fits right into the picture of high-temperature local superconductivity for
sustaining near-fields and thereby reducing randomness, in order to arguably
form a 'transient condensate.'

As to why magnetism would be important - very simply this gets back to
another form of structural uniformity, and to boson statistics. Two bound
protons in a Casimir cavity represent the bare minimum composite boson, but
already at identical 'compreture' due to the cavity containment. Magnetism
aligns spin, so immediately you have a near-condensate in the sense of
extreme DFR ("Divergence From Randomness") in the physical properties of
those atoms.

Even if - from this highly structured but non-cryogenic state forward - a
"virtual BEC" can lasts only a picosecond due to thermal irregularities -
all the better . since on decay of the transient condensate - there will be
an expected huge acceleration gradient, courtesy of Coulomb repulsion. A
transient or virtual BEC may actually be preferred over the ultracold




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