I think you are on the right track – it fits with MAHG, Mills, Rossi and even 
the compressing gases in Noble gas engine claims. Not saying it negates all the 
other theories but it sounds like a nice fit that minimizes the number of 
miracles needed and is based on observed facts. We all try to exploit HUP 
effect on gas in this confined environment but your focus on the condensate 
threshold rather than my focus on covalent bond threshold or Lamb pinch seems 
to ring truer.
Very good theory my hat is off to you

From: Axil Axil []
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2012 2:20 AM
To: vortex-l
Subject: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:The energy of the vacuum causes the Bosenova

The energy of the vacuum causes the Bosenova


The collapsing condensate was observed to lose atoms until the atom number 
reduced to about the critical value below which a stable condensate can exist. 
The dependence of the number of remaining atoms on time since initiation of the 
collapse _evolve was measured for the case of an initial state with Ninit = 
16000 atoms and repulsive interaction corresponding to ainit = +7a0, where a0 
is the hydrogen Bohr radius.

The onset of number loss is quite sudden, with milliseconds of very little loss 
followed by a rapid decay of condensate population (within 0.5 ms) after which 
the condensate stabilizes again. This behavior results from the scaling of the 
loss rate with the cube of the density, the peak value of which rises as 
1/(tcollapse − t) near the collapse point.

This allows a precise definition of the collapse time tcollapse, the time after 
initiation of the collapse up to which only negligible numbers of atoms are 
lost from the condensate. Another quantitative result of the experiment is the 
dependence of tcollapse on the magnitude of the attractive interaction that 
causes the collapse, parametrised by the (negative) scattering length 
acollapse. These measurements are performed from an initial state with Ninit = 
6000 atoms in an ideal gas state (with interaction between them tuned to zero). 
The tcollapse datapoints presented in the original paper have undergone one 
revision of their acollapse values by a factor of 1.166(8) due to a more 
precisely determined background scattering length.

 Although the main focus of this paper shall be on the collapse time, we 
mention two other striking features of the experiment: the appearance of 
’bursts’ and ’jets’. One fraction of the atoms that are lost during the 
collapse is expelled from the condensate at quite high energies (∼100 nK to 
∼400 nK, while the condensate temperature is 3 nK); this phenomenon was 
referred to as ’bursts’. Finally, when the collapse was interrupted during the 
period of number loss by a sudden jump in the scattering length, another atom 
ejection mechanism was observed: ’jets’ of atoms emerge, almost purely in the 
radial direction and with temperatures a lot lower than that of the bursts (a 
few nK)

My theory of the bosenova explosion

When too many atoms are packed into too confined a space, the uncertainty 
principle comes into play. A confined space means an uncertain(aka high) 
kinetic energy. When confinement gets high enough, the associated increase in 
kinetic energy destabilizes the condensate and the condensate breaks down. When 
the condensate breaks down, the energy derived from the vacuum is carried off 
by high energy atoms in the form of jets and bursts as described above.
When the condensate, reaches a size small enough to reduce the uncertainty in 
the condensate’s momentum, the condensate will reform with a lowered number of 
member atoms.

Cheers:    Axil

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