In reply to  Jed Rothwell's message of Fri, 7 Sep 2012 17:47:01 -0400:

Once again I post before reading the entire thread :( .

>I wrote:
>> If you can power things directly from a home generator, why fool around
>> with a 50 MW generator? I wouldn't even bother with a 1 MW unit, such as
>> one might use in a shopping mall.
>I realize there will be a market for 50 MW replacement power generators for
>a long time, as well as 1 MW reactors for shopping malls, hospitals, and
>other large installations. But I think you should start by going after the
>meat of the market. First go after the market segment with the biggest
>potential profit. Then gradually work your way into smaller markets, and
>obsolete, dying market segments such as 50 MW power reactors.
>I am assuming that it will take as much effort to get licensing and
>approval for a 50 MW reactor as for a 20 kW home generator. I could be
>wrong about that. If it is much easier to license the big generator I can
>see the wisdom of starting with that.
>It would make zero sense to develop a cold fusion replacement for
>gigawatt-scale generators such as the ones at nuclear power plants. By the
>time something like that could be approved and built the power companies
>will be on the last legs and they will not pay their invoices.
>- Jed

Robin van Spaandonk

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