A nice wax Terry,


I'm puzzled by the fact that many "Aliens" are strikingly humanoid in
appearance - possessing two legs, arms, eyes, a nose and mouth, placed in
pretty much the same locations as we possess. I don't think such a
structural layout is a coincidence. My personal speculation is that we may
be genetically related to many so-called ETs. How we might be related is, of
course, the 64 dollar question. Many of these humanoids, in my view, look
like future versions of humans, give or take a million years or so. This
suggests to me the possibility that time-travel, along with millions of
probable/parallel realities may be part of the entire paradigm.


I also personally think a likely advancement we get to look forward to is to
eventually develop a hive mind. Individual bodies, like you and me will
become more specialized in order to perform unique tasks for the well-being
of the "collective". Contrary to what many fear might happen, I suspect we
will continue to maintain our "individuality" while simultaneously
maintaining an intimate connection with the "collective". IOW, we will
eventually learn to play the piano with both hands.


Speculating on intelligent/alien hive mind activity is, of course, a
favorite science fiction topic. Writers like Arthur C. Clark, David Brin,
Joe Haldeman, and Orson Scott Card to name a few have all written
fascinating speculative fiction on what it would be like to contact hive
minded "creatures". Star Trek's, Borg, is just a nasty permutation based on
something we aren't yet comfortable with, and therefore fear. IOW, we fear
the nature of the hive mind as being something akin to blundering into our
grandparent's bedroom one day and accidently seeing grandma naked... or
perhaps everyone naked for that matter! I suspect a more likely scenario
would be that making contact with hive minded ET intelligences will end up
mostly as a benign experience - at least from our personal individuated
POVs. I suspect our own Hive Mind is still pretty much in an unconscious
state. That's a more charitable way of saying it's still quite dim-witted.
It might take us another 10 - 50 thousand years before our collective
thoughts finally manage to get upgraded to ET standards. Until then, I
suspect most "hive" intelligences out in the wilds of the cosmos would
prefer to keep the dim-witted juveniles safely secured in the game preserve
where they can be better monitored - aka CE3/4K. Of course, we may disobey
the "hive's" suggestions and attempt to break out of our little crib before
we have been potty trained. What then? Are we too old to get spanked?


* * * * *


BTW, here's a revised reprint of a fictional character of mine, Vince
Dingalint, and his unique perspective on the Infamous Roswell story. Some
Vorts may still remember Vince and his unfortunate predicament - which is
similar to the fate of Billy Pilgrim. The following link is another test of
me revising the look and feel of my still-under-construction web site.





Steven Vincent Johnson



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