Here is my official well-learned opinion about the means or mode of 
Technology that we (modern-day mankind) are using to interpret or decipher the 
world around us, and especially when it comes to pictures or images & so-called 
videos.... It's really only insufficient, inadequate, confusing, invalid, 
convoluted, misleading, & even offensive, enraging, foul, vile, demeaning, 
disgusting, despicable, etc. etc.                                               
                                                               Now, all you 
have to do to get the general idea of what impact a "video" can have of 
someone, and, not to (precisely) change the subject, but... The recent video 
made of the stoned-age people that became enraged when they see or hear of 
themselves in the act of their animal-like behavior. Maybe it's just 
coincidental that the stoned-age people simply enjoy throwing stones, 
people, and/or naturally tend to destroy any & everything produced by the 
modern world.                                                                  
                                                    It's really just an 
issue of a somewhat earlier version of mankind, which hasn't yet crossed-over 
from the primative tendencies or behavior associated with there-of, to the 
more evolved Modern Humans which we obviously are. From my viewpoint, these 
stoned-age people are the real "infidels" because they are obviously deathly 
afraid of technology and/or a future that doesn't involve them bending down 
all day kissing the ground (good by),,, which of course, is where they all, 
more or less, *know* they're going to end up.                                 
                                                          Now, all of us 
more evolved modern civilized humans *know* deep down that When & If it comes 
down to it that it's US or Them (the animals),,, and so, of course, there 
isn't any real choice.... At some point, if They succeed in their on-going 
effort to ses the total compete demise of US, then we'll need asap to we pull 
ourselves back or out completely, or as much as possible, and totally 
obliterate their world.                                                         
                                  Then, and only then, will THEY *know,* 
(w/o question) once and for all, that our God is all truly powerfull and all 
knowing, and/or has no equal. THEIR so-called religion, prophets, and/or god 
will then be All Ah or All Uh, "Up In The Air".                              
                 In a message dated 9/6/12 6:17:27 PM EST, writes:

<< However, I have to offer this vid:
 and one of not so good quality:
 and, while I really want to believe, . . .
 Maybe Loren Heyer will comment? >>

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