I don't understand the conclusion.  Was there a control device with the same 
electrical input  and no active element?

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Lynn <robert.gulliver.l...@gmail.com>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Sat, Sep 8, 2012 9:37 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:High temperature E-Cat - preliminary report published


No glaring problems.  Though for the life of me I can't work out where the 
reactor is in the arrangement - they detail the outer and inner tubes (which 
are not the reactors, their mass is consistent with dense 310 SS, inner tube 
1.375" OD x.08" thick, outer 3.375"ODx.064" thick ), Resistors (look like tube 
furnace), ceramic putty and paint, but as far as I can tell no indication of 
what the reactor is, size, shape, weight - is it lumped in with the 2.2kg 

COP about 2-2.5, 18kWh output and 8KWh input.  Calcs are reasonable and 
probably conservative.

To be honest I think this 2ish COP might be close to what Rossi has had all 
along - just not quite good enough to be commercially useful. Earlier claims of 
higher COP might have been either his poor calorimetry, or deliberately 
misleading, but either way this demo is probably more convincing than his 
previous tests 


Calorimetry is still not good and lack of instrumentation is Rossi at his time 
wasting worst, don't like the thermal camera - as I lack familiarity with them 
and don't know if it requires calibration or is subject to significant errors I 
don't know about, or if its readings could be intentionally manipulated in some 
way.  Was it Rossi's or someone else's? Perhaps others may be able to confirm 
its accuracy.  Small temperature differences make huge power differences in 
radiative emissions (double power for increase of <200°C) - so errors are 
magnified.  No thermocouples is just silly.

Input power measurement between control box and wall were inconsistent (why?).  
Any checks of hidden power supplies in control box?  No ability to tell if 
their were unmeasurable higher frequencies coming from wall.

He needs an aggressive sceptic to do a proper test, not someone in his circle 
or in his employ.

Skeptics hat: Not enough detail about reactor, could have been combusting a 
fuel for example (off top of my head) aluminium powder + hydrocarbon in air 
that would have same weight at start and finish,1kg would be enough to supply 
10kWh heat seen

Celani is doing a much better job of convincing people.


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