Tom Andersen just sent me this new press release on hi-temp 'fractal'
superconductivity -

"Room Temperature Superconductivity Found in Graphite Grains"

Water-soaked grains of carbon superconduct at room temperature,
claim a team of physicists from Germany

Their full preprint is available at -

"Can doping graphite trigger room temperature superconductivity? Evidence
for granular high-temperature superconductivity in water-treated graphite

For those interested in hi-temp super-/ballistic-conductivity,
in fractal and colloidal conductors, here are some related papers
by the same group, and two (possibly) related patents:

"Length dependence of the resistance in graphite: Influence of ballistic

"Ballistic transport at room temperature in micrometer size multigraphene"

"Ferromagnetic- and superconducting-like behavior of the electrical
resistance of inhomogeneous graphite flake"

US Patent Application 20080085834
- Superconductive circuits with efficient method

The present invention relates to superconductors, superconductive
circuits, and electrical superconductive processes. More specifically,
this invention relates to high-temperature superconductors and electrical
superconductive processes occurring near normal room or ambient
temperatures [...]
Researchers have recently discovered that the addition of certain
nanoparticles less than 100 nanometers in size, when added to water, oil,
or glycol mixtures, results in a nanofluid (a colloid with nanoparticles)
that exhibits a substantial rise in thermal conductivity. In U.S. Pat.
No. 6,221,275 (Choi, et al., 2001), a method is disclosed for producing
nanocrystalline particles of such substances as copper, copper oxide,
or aluminum oxide. The nanocrystalline particles are then dispersed
in fluids such as [...]
United States Patent Application 20110233061 (Brian Ahern)

Methods and apparatus for energy production through the amplification of
energetic reactions. A method includes amplifying an energy release from
a dispersion of nanoparticles containing a concentration of
hydrogen/deuterium nuclei, the nanoparticles suspended in a dielectric
medium in a presence of hydrogen/deuterium gas, wherein an energy input
is provided by high voltage pulses between two electrodes embedded
in the dispersion of nanoparticles. [...]
Energetic reactions described fully herein are amplified by an inverse
skin effect. These very small discharge pathways are so narrow that the
magnetic fields close to them are amplified to magnitudes unachievable
by other methods.

Distributing nanoparticles in a dielectric (ceramic) matrix between two
high voltage electrodes is a method according to the principles of the
present invention for amplifying an energy output from the
hydrated/deuterated metal nanoparticles in the dielectric matrix. High
voltage pulses cause arc formations. The arc formations focus energy and
the arc formations are channeled from one macroscopic grain to another
macroscopic grain. Once a discharge is interior to a macroscopic grain
the pulse is further focused into nanoparticles along the lowest
impedance pathway. The arcs interior to the grains are where the
energetic reactions are maximized.

The nanoparticles provide a constellation of short circuiting elements
for each current pulse. Each succeeding pulse finds a different pathway
that minimizes the impedance between two electrodes. An overpressure of
hydrogen is needed to prevent discharges from sliding over a surface of
the macroscopic grains rather than through the grains and thereby
through the hydrated nanoparticles. Low pressure hydrogen gas favors
surface discharging.

Liquid dielectrics produce similar energy focusing capabilities as the
ceramic matrices. Liquid systems provide a direct method for producing
nanoparticles in situ. [...]

-- Lou Pagnucco

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