I think QuantumRabbit is a major researcher into changing carbon into iron.
Ron Kita

On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 2:38 PM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

> What would happen if you took a bundle of moderate length carbon nanotubes
> that are suspected of being capable of superconducting and place these
> within a strong magnetic field.  The magnetic field would penetrate
> throughout most of the forest of CNTs.  Now, give the structure a few
> whacks (hits) that cause some of the tubes to contact each other at both
> ends where before they were open circuited.
>  If some of the contacting tubes now form closed superconducting paths,
> they will trap the field within and become magnetic once the external field
> is removed.  Perhaps this is a way to prove that they do indeed become
> superconductors at room temperature.
>  I seem to recall someone using carbon black in an experiment that had
> them convinced that iron was formed because of the residual magnetic
> effects and wonder if something of the nature I mentioned is at work.  This
> type of experiment should be tried especially if it demonstrates room
> temperature superconductivity of CNTs.
>  Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com>
> To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
> Sent: Thu, Sep 13, 2012 1:55 pm
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:New press release on fractal graphite hi-temp
> superconductivity
>  This part of the paper held interest for me.
> *“It may be that the water treatment dopes parts of the grain surfaces
> with hydrogen and this element may play an important role as has been also
> observed for the magnetic order found in graphite. To check this we have
> exposed the virgin graphite powder to hydrogen plasma for 75 minutes at
> room temperature. The prepared powder shows the same characteristics as the
> water treated one indicating that hydrogen may play a role in this
> phenomenon.”*
> I speculation on what is happening here as follows:
> The hydrogen is ionized into protons and these protons for cooper pairs.
> These pairs then form a condensate on the surface of the graphite grains
> that support superconducting current flow and associated magnetic behavior.
> A superconductive cable or rope might be formed using a bundling of carbon
> nanotubes inside a copper or aluminum tube that has been filled with
> hydrogen under pressure.
> Protons would fill the inside of the SWNT as a superconducting condensate.
> Checking this tube for room temperature superconductivity would be an
> interesting experiment to run.
> Cheers:    Axil
>  On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 8:37 AM, Jojo Jaro <jth...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Excellent find Lou.
>> This gives me some encouragement that I am proceeding in the right
>> direction with my Carbon Nanohorn research.
>> We know that carbon nanotubes, which are essentially graphene sheets,
>> exhibit superconductive behavior at low temps.  Further we know that these
>> same carbon nanotubes exhibit ballistic conduction at higher temps even
>> above room temps.  Further, we know from research to use CNTs in hydrogen
>> storage, that hydrogen ions/gas at certain conditions would dissociate and
>> stick to carbon nanotube walls and hydrogenate and functionalize these
>> CNTs. Further, we know that CNTs, especially SWNTs, exhibit long electron
>> coherence lengths.  Further, we also know that electrons will accumulate in
>> CNT tips and promtoe field emissions.  Further, we also know that electrons
>> flowing on a CNT will charge screen ions that are within its charge
>> screening radius (CNT diameter.)  Further, we also know that CNTs will
>> carry huge amounts of currents, more than what can be explained by simple
>> electron flow theory - in metals.
>> And finally, we know that superconductivity MAY be correlated to
>> anomalous heat release.
>> Therefore, I feel that CNTs are really the rgiht materials to serve as
>> NAEs.
>> One thing I found interesting was that the phenomena disappeared when
>> they compressed the graphene powder.  This indicates to me that this may
>> have something to do with the destruction of the long filamentous graphene
>> nanowhiskers that are associated with the phenomena.  These filamentous
>> whiskers appear to be critical to superconductive behaviour.  This, of
>> course, is what I think may be happening in my carbon nanotube theory.  The
>> phenomena these physicists found may be an LENR phenomena.
>> Oh, I wished I can go back there to the states right now so that I can
>> build my proof of concept reactor.  But, in the mean time, finds like these
>> are excellent.  Thanks.
>> Jojo
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: <pagnu...@htdconnect.com>
>> To: <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
>> Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2012 4:46 AM
>> Subject: [Vo]:New press release on fractal graphite hi-temp
>> superconductivity
>>> Tom Andersen just sent me this new press release on hi-temp 'fractal'
>>> superconductivity -
>>> "Room Temperature Superconductivity Found in Graphite Grains"
>>> Water-soaked grains of carbon superconduct at room temperature,
>>> claim a team of physicists from Germany
>>> http://www.technologyreview.**com/view/429203/room-**
>>> temperature-superconductivity-**found-in/?ref=rss<http://www.technologyreview.com/view/429203/room-temperature-superconductivity-found-in/?ref=rss>
>>> Their full preprint is available at -
>>> "Can doping graphite trigger room temperature superconductivity? Evidence
>>> for granular high-temperature superconductivity in water-treated graphite
>>> powder"
>>> http://arxiv.org/abs/1209.1938
>>> For those interested in hi-temp super-/ballistic-conductivity,
>>> in fractal and colloidal conductors, here are some related papers
>>> by the same group, and two (possibly) related patents:
>>> "Length dependence of the resistance in graphite: Influence of ballistic
>>> transport"
>>> http://arxiv.org/abs/1201.3004
>>> "Ballistic transport at room temperature in micrometer size
>>> multigraphene"
>>> http://arxiv.org/abs/1012.1100
>>> "Ferromagnetic- and superconducting-like behavior of the electrical
>>> resistance of inhomogeneous graphite flake"
>>> http://arxiv.org/abs/0903.3303
>>> ==============================**==============================**
>>> ============
>>> US Patent Application 20080085834
>>> - Superconductive circuits with efficient method
>>> The present invention relates to superconductors, superconductive
>>> circuits, and electrical superconductive processes. More specifically,
>>> this invention relates to high-temperature superconductors and electrical
>>> superconductive processes occurring near normal room or ambient
>>> temperatures [...]
>>> Researchers have recently discovered that the addition of certain
>>> nanoparticles less than 100 nanometers in size, when added to water, oil,
>>> or glycol mixtures, results in a nanofluid (a colloid with nanoparticles)
>>> that exhibits a substantial rise in thermal conductivity. In U.S. Pat.
>>> No. 6,221,275 (Choi, et al., 2001), a method is disclosed for producing
>>> nanocrystalline particles of such substances as copper, copper oxide,
>>> or aluminum oxide. The nanocrystalline particles are then dispersed
>>> in fluids such as [...]
>>> http://www.patentstorm.us/**applications/20080085834/**description.html<http://www.patentstorm.us/applications/20080085834/description.html>
>>> ==============================**==============================**
>>> ============
>>> United States Patent Application 20110233061 (Brian Ahern)
>>> Methods and apparatus for energy production through the amplification of
>>> energetic reactions. A method includes amplifying an energy release from
>>> a dispersion of nanoparticles containing a concentration of
>>> hydrogen/deuterium nuclei, the nanoparticles suspended in a dielectric
>>> medium in a presence of hydrogen/deuterium gas, wherein an energy input
>>> is provided by high voltage pulses between two electrodes embedded
>>> in the dispersion of nanoparticles. [...]
>>> Energetic reactions described fully herein are amplified by an inverse
>>> skin effect. These very small discharge pathways are so narrow that the
>>> magnetic fields close to them are amplified to magnitudes unachievable
>>> by other methods.
>>> Distributing nanoparticles in a dielectric (ceramic) matrix between two
>>> high voltage electrodes is a method according to the principles of the
>>> present invention for amplifying an energy output from the
>>> hydrated/deuterated metal nanoparticles in the dielectric matrix. High
>>> voltage pulses cause arc formations. The arc formations focus energy and
>>> the arc formations are channeled from one macroscopic grain to another
>>> macroscopic grain. Once a discharge is interior to a macroscopic grain
>>> the pulse is further focused into nanoparticles along the lowest
>>> impedance pathway. The arcs interior to the grains are where the
>>> energetic reactions are maximized.
>>> The nanoparticles provide a constellation of short circuiting elements
>>> for each current pulse. Each succeeding pulse finds a different pathway
>>> that minimizes the impedance between two electrodes. An overpressure of
>>> hydrogen is needed to prevent discharges from sliding over a surface of
>>> the macroscopic grains rather than through the grains and thereby
>>> through the hydrated nanoparticles. Low pressure hydrogen gas favors
>>> surface discharging.
>>> Liquid dielectrics produce similar energy focusing capabilities as the
>>> ceramic matrices. Liquid systems provide a direct method for producing
>>> nanoparticles in situ. [...]
>>> http://www.freepatentsonline.**com/y2011/0233061.html<http://www.freepatentsonline.com/y2011/0233061.html>
>>> ==============================**==============================**
>>> ============
>>> -- Lou Pagnucco

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