Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <a...@lomaxdesign.com> wrote:

> http://www.wired.co.uk/news/**archive/2012-09/14/cold-fusion<http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2012-09/14/cold-fusion>
> With friends like this, who needs enemies?

> . . . 1. NiH reactions are not scientifically established. The article
> does distinguish between Rossi et al and other "more scientific groups,"
> but then essentially makes them seem similar. Celani is reported, but ...
> Celani has not been confirmed.

I agree with your critiques, but this is all you can expect from the mass

Apart from "60 Minutes" and a few others, mass media reporters never do
their homework. They never get their facts straight.

That is true of other subjects too. Read a mass media account of just about
any subject you know well, and you will see that the account is a mish-mash
of mistaken impressions.

In a sense though, you can't blame mass media reporters. They are trying to
accomplish the impossible. They are trying to understand a huge range of
subjects well enough to write about them intelligently. I would never
attempt to describe all the different subjects a science reporter is
expected to cover. If I were ordered to describe things like medical
breakthroughs, the details of global warming and atmospheric science, or
cutting edge particle physics, the only honest account I could give would
be: "I cannot grasp this subject well enough to write a balanced,
informative description of it." You can't sell magazines when that's all
you have to say.

- Jed

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