On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

You can take any old triode from an old TV set - and apply the same type of
> XRF testing to the plates, and find boron plus a Cornucopia of transmuted
> elements. Dozens! And in every single tube! Roy Hammack and others have
> done
> this. It is mundane.
> Since we can say with certainty that QM transmutation due to tunneling is
> ubiquitous in electrical arcs over time - the problem shifts to one of
> correlating transmutation to excess energy. That is most difficult.
> AS we know triodes are inherently lossy, so transmutation alone guarantees
> nothing.

This is an important question -- are the transmutations just a peripheral
effect, or can they be correlated with anomalous heat?  My sense is that
the jury is still out, and that the researchers haven't been paying close
attention to this until more recently.  (I do not see correlation of 4He
with heat in Pd/D systems as a counter-argument, since it is possible that
this is due to alpha decay, or that there is agglomeration of the kind that
Terry hinted at.)

It's actually pretty cool that transmutations are a well-known result of
electric arc discharges, if this is true.  Perhaps this has been LENR all
along, staring back at us, but we wanted to build Tokamaks.


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