I saw your post of that old email, and was kind of embarrassed to see I
left out a few details, like my reasoning for Ni and Borax.   At the time, I
knew Ni to be a good catalyst for some hydrogen reactions, an could
absorb good amounts of H into the lattice. Borax is used as a flux for welding
Ni, and removes the oxide layers.   It also happened to be a very nice Ionic
compound and made for a excellent electrolyte.

The currents was floating, but typically at peak temps in the +60C, it was 1 to
1.25 amps in 100ml/distilled H2O and 3g borax.  Because the current floated,
there was a build up that would last several hours at 0.001 to 0.22 amps (H
loading) followed by an increase in current draw with heat.

It proves one thing.   It's not Ohmic heating.  It's definitely  a hydrogen in
metal effect.   On other quickie experiment I tried was a low voltage AC
current using two nickels as electrodes.   That also showed heat from both
coins.  That was 9V AC via a transformer.   If that could be pre-pumped
DC and then toggled to AC, I bet it would be good CF candidate.

Anyway, because of those personal experiences with hydrogen in the Cu/Ni
metals, it's hard for me to dismiss Rossi and the Ni/H experiments as fallacy.
On the contrary, It sound like the he's onto something.  What theory applies
though, is still a mystery to me.

Best Regards,

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