It doesn't rule out. They just find lower neutron production rates, which
are merely 200x smaller.

2012/10/2 Gigi DiMarco <>

> The following paper:
> Low Energy Neutron Production by Inverse-beta decay in Metallic Hydride
> Surfaces
> S. Ciuchi <>, L.
> Maiani <>, A.
> D. Polosa <>, V.
> Riquer <>, G.
> Ruocco <>, M.
> Vignati <>
> has just been uploaded to ArXiv
> The paper addresses the WLT as presented by Widom, Larsen and Srivastava
> in peer-reviewed journals and presents very strong objections to the theory
> that can be summarized as:
> It has been recently argued that inverse-beta nuclear transmutations might
> occur at an impressively high rate in a thin layer at the metallic hydride
> surface under specific conditions. In this note we present a calculation of
> the transmutation rate which shows that there is little room for such a
> remarkable effect.
> It is worthwhile to say that some of the authors are preminent scientists.
> Luciano Maiani is a San Marino citizen physicist best known for his
> prediction of the charm quark with Sheldon Lee Glashow and John Iliopoulos.
> He became Director General of CERN, serving from 1 January 1999 through the
> end of 2003. Moreover, he is the past-President of the Italian National
> Research Council (CNR, 2008-2011).
> Giancarlo Ruocco is deputy Dean at Rome University La Sapienza and
> Director of the Physics Department. He is in charge for research
> coordination activities at La Sapienza.
> The paper will be (or has been, actually I do not know) submitted to
> peer-reviewed journals to be published; probably in the same journal in
> which the WLT has been proposed.
> Since WLT forms the basis of a number of experimental approaches to LENR's
> (including Brillouin and NASA) maybe it's wise to read and try to
> understand the paper.
> Cheers
> GG

Daniel Rocha - RJ

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