On 2012-10-02 16:57, fznidar...@aol.com wrote:
its one year later and there is nothing.  No products, no independent
tests by a reputable group.

Apparently [1], by hearsay [2], something along those lines should come out at around mid-October but I'm personally not expecting much, or that this is even related to Rossi. Well, at least it costs nothing to keep following the latest news and developments.

I do remember Rossi writing a few weeks ago that a University report would come out at some point in October/November (originally "within mid October"). I'm not sure how he can expect people to quickly forget such a strong statement, if he changed his mind about it.

By the way, the exclusive licensee for Italy ProMeteon s.r.l. [4] recently postponed their countdown on their website to November 1st. The website was supposed to open on October 1st.


[1] besides an E-Cat convention in Italy on October 12th [3]. I would figure that if Rossi really had nothing after so much time, he would probably avoid showing himself in public.

[2] This was hinted by Daniele Passerini on his blog, but no definite information is available at the moment

[3] http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=503104896385958&set=a.184938998202551.46792.135474503149001&type=1&theater

[4] http://www.prometeon.it/

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