My friend, I think you should be the one seeking professional help.  For ... 
How could one consider THEFT to be a trivial matter.  How would you feel if I 
stole your life savings?  Hey, to save us the trouble, why don't you just send 
me your life savings so that I can have more "discretionary" spending.

And Income Redistribution is THEFT.  It is not individual theft as we would 
understand;  NO, Income Redistribution is "Institutional Theft".  The very 
government sworn to protect your rights is the one stealing from you. 

And just because MORE people want to redistribute Bill Gates' income, that 
makes it correct and moral, right?  That, my friend, makes you a communist.

Communism is characterized by mob-rule.  Whatever, the majority wants goes, 
without regard for the rights of the minority.  Income Redistribution is mob 


PS, You have no idea how much I give to charity and church work.  So, don't 
presume to lecture me about basic human relationship, compassion and charity.  
I give out of my free will.  That is the essence of human choice God gave us.  
Forcing me to give to lazy bums in Wisconsin so that he can buy a new HDTV is 
neither basic human relationship, nor compassion nor charity.

BTW.  I am probably giving more and will give more to charity and church work 
than your whole lifetime income.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Daniel Rocha 
  Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2012 2:58 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Designer of 3-D Printable Gun Has His 3-D Printer Seized

  I am not doing an analogy at all. I am just talking about logic  If A has 
something in common with B, it does not follow that A=B.

  I hope this issue of redistribution does not affect your personal life. It's 
something really trivial to understand and it is behind basic human 
relationships, like compassion and charity. If you cannot see in that way, your 
mind must be full of paranoia and you should seek a professional counseling.

  2012/10/7 Jojo Jaro <>

    You say this with such hutzpah and authority as if this analogy were really 

    You analogy is faulty and I reject it.  It does not even follow basic 
logical reasoning at all.

  Daniel Rocha - RJ

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