The Internet also say so- see for example:

received this morning, one suggestion from many that technological progress
COULD contribute to
the solving of Humanity's great problems.
I am just working on a blog publication about
effectiveness and efficiency- in two parts- 1- about the dark side of these
concepts and 2- about efficiency of/in cold fusion/LENR research.
Only commercial LENR could contribute to
problem solving- something much better than combustion, fission, wind and
solar energy -and
the efforts/results ratio was very small till now.
LENR per se is wicked problem.


On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 11:02 PM, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson <> wrote:

> > I have the experience of 45 years of Communism and now 22 years of
> > nascent capitalism. The Kaltwasser Doctrine (see on my blog) applies to
> > both but Capitalism is definitelly better.if you like work,education and
> > have good inititiatives. I have learned that it is an immense difference
> > between social theories and social practice so
> > I am more than skepticalregarding redistribution.
> > It can be imagined a complex, slow, developing system for diminishing
> > the Gini coefficients of a state but the resistance will be fierce.
> > The social problems are very wicked everywhere.
> Peter,
> You have accumulated far more first-hand experience than I have
> assembled within my 60 years of life. I am not in a position to
> challenge what you had to endure either, nor do I want to. I'm glad
> you survived in order to tell us all what you experienced.
> Perhaps I error on this point but I will assume that some Vorts may
> have come to the conclusion that I must be some kind of a communist at
> heart. Jojo certainly seems to have labeled me as such, along with a
> few other derogatory terms. But no matter. FWIW, I continue perceive
> myself as a capitalist at heart. In my view, those who work harder,
> those who continue to innovate and bring improvements into the
> everyday lives of others should be rewarded. I suspect capitalism,
> flawed it may be, is probably better at compensating such individuals
> than any other system. It's imperative that Incentives and rewards be
> in place.
> However...
> It's my suspicion that with ensuing advancements of technology,
> automation and robotics, traditional capitalism as it is currently
> practiced will have to evolve... perhaps radically. I personally
> suspect that capitalism will eventually have to incorporate a number
> of socialistic concepts into its fundamental core, particularly things
> like universal health care. Capitalism, in turn, will have to improve
> on many of these socialistic "rights". I think most capitalistic
> societies will eventually come around to a realization that what used
> to be considered privileged "benefits" that only the rich and well off
> could afford should be perceived as universal rights that are to be
> bestowed on all of its citizens. Such benefits would include
> unemployment compensation that, if warranted, simultaneously
> incorporates "free" job re-training. Eventually, free advanced
> eduction should become another inevitable universal right as well.
> However, I think such benefits will only be possible through the
> continued advances of technology, automation and robotics.
> Regards
> Steven Vincent Johnson

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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