>From David,


> If you find yourself feeling too important, all you need do is consider how
> large you are compared to the smallest galaxy.  The universe is likely
> unaware of your puny existence among the uncountable hordes that probably
> inhabit it.  Does that thought help you to place events in the proper
> perspective?

Indeed, one would think so...

Unless one is predisposed to an ultra-conservative fundamentalist
perspective of the cosmos; where Man was made in the image of God;
where God gave man dominion over the animals and plants of the world;
Where God gave man permission to exploit Mother Nature in any way he
chooses with no regard to the consequences of his actions, where only
humans have souls; where marriage between a man and a woman is the
only legal institution that should be recognized by the court of law,
particularly when it comes to practical financial matters like
administering health insurance; where a president sporting a slightly
darker than average tan is being accused of being the equivalent of a
wetback, and many who support such a belief are essentially attempting
to hijack specific wording within the U.S. Constitution for the
purposes of suiting their own objectives as if the constitution was
being used as nothing more than a piece of toilet paper to "whip away"
the filth of their own bigotry.

I could go on, but what's the point.

Stupid is what stupid does.

PS: This was, of course, a deliberately crafted incendiary post,
crafted to outrage certain elements within the Vort Collective who
tend to support an ultra-conservative fundamentalist POV regarding
their sacred place within the Cosmos. My suggestion would be that they
deliberately ignore my little rant (the recommended choice, BTW).
Otherwise, feel free to take the bait and run with it. Continue to
prove my point.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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