Terry Blanton <hohlr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/6425
> So, let's buy it for him.  I'll contribute.  Do we know where to send it?

Seriously? No. Two reasons:

1. Forbes has plenty of money.

2. People often do not read books that you buy for them. A person has to
want to book and make the effort to buy it, or it will sit around unread.

Let's see if Gibbs has enough gumption to read and understand the on-line
papers by Storms and McKubre. So far, it seems he has read nothing. I
assume that is why he makes elementary technical errors, and that is why he
keeps asking for recommendations. A person who has already read something
would know Storms and McKubre wrote broad reviews of the field.

A person who has read the main page at LENR-CANR.org would know about the
papers I listed. Evidently, Gibbs has not bothered to spend 10 minutes at
LENR-CANR.org. Frankly, I do not see why I should spend 10 minutes helping
someone who will not help himself.

Pseudo-skeptics often say: "Tell me what to read! There are too many
papers! I don't know where to begin! Spoon feed me the answer to every
question that pops into my mind." It is a routine. You tell them the same
answer five times. You cite the same paper five times. But they never read
it. They keep saying "there is no evidence" meaning: "I refuse to look at
the evidence." Mary Yugo does that often. Bill Beaty finally called her out
on it, before tossing her.

- Jed

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