“John Hadjichristos explained that
the amount of time the electron of a polarized H atom is
close enough to the nucleus to appear to be a virtual
neutron (stage 2) is 1 x 10-17 seconds.”

This conjecture is not accurate. The excited hydrogen atom would have a
quantum number in the neighborhood of 100 more or less. That means that the
electron orbit will be near circular.

The polycrystalline nature of the nickel micropowder will convert this
excited hydrogen to ions(protons) using patch fields.

The production of Neutron like hydrogen quasiparticles is an incorrect

To prove this experimentally, positively bias the nickel powder
electrostatically and the DGT reaction will stop because the excited
hydrogen will be repelled from the surface of the nickel powder.
Also, imposing a positive electrostatic bias on the nickel powder will
disrupt the Anderson localization of heavy electrons in the vicinity of the
micropowder tubules.


DGT must now feel that their six new patent applications protect them from
competitive disadvantage so they now feel free to confirm our speculations
about their reaction.

Cheers:    Axil

On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 10:43 AM, Terry Blanton <hohlr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Nothing we had not surmised.

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