>From Alan:

>> That does seem to be Rossi's prior track record - to constantly titillate
>> his audience.
> Many of his "commercial" hints have failed to materialize, or have fizzled
> (big US company etc ..) -- but most of his "technical" hints have
> materialized in one form or another.

Here's a perfect example of Rossi-speak when it comes to a long list
of commercially-based antics:


> E-Cat Weekly -- January 5, 2012 - This past week saw at least 80
> stories on the web, 4 from mainstream news, regarding Andrea
> Rossi's E-Cat powered by LENR or cold fusion. The hottest theme was
> Rossi's assertion that he is in discussion with Home Depot to
> distribute 1 million home heat units this Autumn for less than
> $2,000 USD. Reality will probably dictate a longer time-line.
> (PESN; January 5, 2012)

Well, it's now Autumn... and, oh, by the way, our water heater sprung
a leak over the weekend. Time to replace the old monster. Tonight I'm
headed for Sears to price another natural gas water heater,
particularly since I'm aware of no Rossi-LENR models. ;-)

It's no wonder skeptics and debunkers consider Rossi to be nothing but
a comical charlatan.

For those who find the above skeptical stance a bit too
over-simplified for the reality of the situation, Rossi gives them
(myself included) the impression that he has uncovered a
little-understood "LENR" heat-generating process. He had steadfastly
attempted to personally capitalize on his discovery, but all on his
own recognizance. The problem, as many Vorts see it, is that Rossi has
repeatedly shown what appears to be a maniacal (almost comical)
unwillingness to let others into his protective sphere of influence,
individuals who long ago could have assisted him in figuring out how
to better control the mysterious LENR reactions in a safe and reliable
manner. I gather Rossi has repeatedly ended up frustrating the hell
out of many well-intentioned individuals, organizations and companies
who sincerely wanted to help out - if not to share a little in a slice
of the pie. Rossi seems to want the pie all for himself, but may end
up with most of it on his face.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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