>From Loren...
... > . Thanks suckers! PS.. If you believe there is an actual Democratic Party > or that BO cares about this Country .... And on, and on it goes... Ok, Loren, I get it that you're a little uneasy around Barack. .Why? Well, maybe because for one thing, this "illegal alien" might have ".a strong connect with animals ." You certainly are entitled to share your opinions & diagnosis's with the Collective - well, that is until Mr. Beaty decides otherwise. However, and FWIW, pretending to be above it all, as if one is channeling sublime information from the rarified realms of the cosmos, all for the benefit of us ignorant humans - information that sooner-or-later tends to degenerate into seedy political tirades leaves me wondering who really is the "paid sponsor" of such kosmic information. It takes one to know one. BTW, my two kitties Zoey & Charm wish the channel the following message: "Boo!" Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson www.OrionWorks.com www.zazzle.com/orionworks