Esa Ruoho <> wrote:

Anyone else object to posts like the one below?
> Sent from some iDevice. Written by Esa.
> On 14 Nov 2012, at 13:54, Ly Sig <> wrote:
> > FYI:
> > Jed managed 16050 posts to vortex. Conclusion, Jed has no need to earn
> money.
> > His time is eaten up by addiction to promulgating uncreative, boring
> script.
> > Jed is on a donor list for $1,000 with a slippery group of 4 looking for
> research donations.
> > Only fools send donations to Nigeria and elsewhere if verifiable
> background and educational achievements are not published . . .

I have no objection. On the contrary, Ly Sig has performed a valuable
service here, reminding us that many people oppose everything about cold
fusion, even an on-line library of papers. If they could, opponents would
shut shut down LENR-CANR. They do not want anyone to read cold fusion
papers, even papers by Morrison. Fortunately, they have no way to stop me.

This is harmless nonsense. Many, many people have attacked me over the
years. Some have said much worse things than this.

- Jed

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