Jed managed 16050 posts to vortex. Conclusion, Jed has no need to earn money.
His time is eaten up by addiction to promulgating uncreative, boring script.
Jed is on a donor list for $1,000 with a slippery group of 4 looking for 
research donations.
Only fools send donations to Nigeria and elsewhere if verifiable background and 
educational achievements are not published, to say nothing of Federal 
Non-profit status documentation needed for charitable deduction. 
Reminds me of Jojo who appealed for funds on vortex whereby a Google search 
reveals his occupation as a worm grower for lizard food. "A fool and his money 
are soon parted" is a proverb found in the poem "Five Hundred Points of Good 
Husbandry" by Thomas Tusser
Anyone else object to "Tin Cup" appeals on vortex?
Rossi Fan

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