Vorl Bek <vorl....@antichef.com> wrote:

> A blot on his memory to have cold-bloodedly killed harmless animals
> in pursuit of a mere attempt to reach the south pole, animals which
> were not only harmless but loyal and helpful to him and his crew.
> Truly disgraceful.

That is what newspaper readers said in 1912, as they reached for a second
helping of ham and eggs.

You have to realize that for polar explorers, or soldiers, Inuit or
Mongols, dogs, horses and other animals are expendable. You use them to
carry supplies or you eat them, as needed. You can't survive in these
places with any other attitude. Furthermore, dogs are no more innocent or
helpful than cows, pigs or the other animals we eat. Unless you are
a vegetarian you can't criticize.

- Jed

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